An Apology

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Hey guys, it's been awhile. I am sincerely sorry for not saying anything for the past 3 months. I don't even know whats going on in my life really. Everything is pretty much a blur right now. There's so much going on in my life right now and it's really hard to talk about it. I can't even really talk to my best friends about anything because it's something they don't understand.

I was recently diagnosed with arthritis in my hands and knees. My whole family was in shock since that's obviously something only old people really get and I'm still a teenager. There are so many things I can no longer do now. It has gotten so bad that running and jumping are now a luxury now for me. I'll get inflammations in my hands and knees when it rains or snows and it becomes almost impossible to walk or us my hands those days. Now that it's spring "raining season" my life has been complete hell. Standardized testing is coming up soon, the quarter is ending soon, and my constant inflammation makes it impossible to do any of my work. All of this has made me have daily mental breakdowns. My mental health is in shambles and I'm terrified. I have no idea if anyone is actually reading this but if you are I just want to thank you. You don't have to read this part but you still choose to. That really means a lot to me and I just want to say Thank you. I wish I could do more but I know that's impossible. This does not mean goodbye and the end. Absolutely not. This is only the beginning.

Thank You for understanding,

Thank You for understanding,Julianna

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