we live in a world where people cry themselves to sleep.
we live in a world where people don't sleep, because the sooner they fall asleep, the sooner they wake up the next day. the sooner they have to go through the same torture and mental abuse that they did the day before.we live in a world where people rely on distractions. television, music, celebrities. anything to hold them away from the scorching pain that is reality.
we live in a world where people are so used to hiding away from life, inside their heads that by the time they come back out, everything is 10x worse than it was before.we live in a world where people would rather sit alone staring at a wall with zero noise, then have to face another living being.
we live in a world where people feel sick at the thought of leaving the comfort of their bedroom because the second they step out, they aren't alone.we live in a world where you're never alone.
we live in a world where even if you cannot see anyone else around you, you can still hear the toxic words and screaming from inside your head.we live in a world where people can feel everything inside them trying to scratch its way out but by the time the person realizes that it isn't the thoughts scratching away at their skin, but their own dirty fingernails, it's too late and the sleeves of that brand new sweatshirt are now drenched in blood.
we live in a world where instead of relaxing when they come home from school or work, they're cleaning their own blood and skin out from underneath their fingernails.
we live in a world where thoughts are no longer happy like they used to be, but terrifying like daggers cutting through your skin.we live in a world where passing out from a panic attack is just another everyday thing.
we live in a world where cleaning blood off of cuts and scars and out of new clothing is just another every day taskwe live in a world where there is an unopened, locked door called death, otherwise known as freedom. nobody has ever opened that door before, nobody knows what's on the other side and if they have opened it, they didn't get to tell the story.
we live in a world where people feel relaxed when they have a key to that door. whether the key be a gun, pills, rope, the roof of a tall building or the edge of a cliff.the point that i'm trying to make is that people would rather fall into the unknown than stay in the world we live in for one more day.