Chapter 9

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I'm really bored so i decided that i'd update now insted of tomorrow :) i am fully aware of how short it is but please bare with this chapter and i'll attempt to make the next one aslong as i possibly can ;) 

Georgia XOXO

I felt his lips gently press against mine. This kiss was different than any other; it was more loving than lustful, more caring than carless. I pulled back and looked into his blue eyes, some people say that they are hazel and they aren’t wrong, they go hazel when he is stressed or has a lot on his mind. I blinked slowly to make sure that this really was happening and that my mind wasn’t messing up.

“What’s wrong?” Reece asked. I took a shaky breath, and looked into his eyes once more. They were no longer pools of blue but pools of hazel.

“You know how before I said I had just come out of an abusive relationship?” I asked, relying on his memory. He nodded slowly which caused our noses to brush.

“I was dating a guy called Cameron, he’s the golden boy type or… well was. He was really nice to me in the begging, buying me stuff, bringing me roses every day. Then he started cheating, lying and physically hurting me. I was so scared of what he’d do if I broke up with him or if I told someone that I kept my mouth shut. My friends and I lost connection from all the lies I was saying.” I shook my head trying to forget the past causing our noses to brush again. “Then one day he decided that he would no longer punch me but instead attempted to rape me. I punched him and got a restraining order put on him. I’m still healing from it all. I’m friendless and considered a freak at school.” The tears were now staining Reece’s black shirt.

“You know that I’d never ever do anything like that?” he asked while stroking my hair soothingly.

“I know.” I whispered snuggling in closer to him. We lay like that for a while, him with one arm around my waist and the other stroking my hair from root to tip, and me with my head buried in my hands in his chest. I listened to his heartbeat. Thud, thud, thud, thud, thud. It was beating at a relaxing pace. I closed my eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Reece P.o.v

Her breathing became soft and steady as she fell asleep in my arms. I buried my face in her hair. This beautiful girl was damaged by someone she trusted, it was painful to think that she’d ever cried in pain. I heard my phone start to vibrate, and saw that it was my Ella. I sighed and pressed ignore call.


Back to normal P.o.v

I opened my eyes to blackness, I moved my head back and realised that I was still in the same spot as last night. I looked up at Reece’s face as he slept. I smiled and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. Did the kiss mean anything to him? Did he feel the things I did? These questions were floating around my head as I looked at his beautiful face.

“I think I love you.” I whispered, I closed my eyes and relayed my head on his chest. I felt him stir a couple of seconds later obviously waking up. I decided to pretend to be asleep.

“I love you.” He whispered, kissing the top of my head. I smiled slightly at his words. I had never heard anyone say those three words said like they were meant, but he did. I small tear rolled down my cheek.

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