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You ended by getting ditched by your Mum because you were ' too slow ' so you ended up asking Alex for a ride with him.


Y/N🔥 : Heyy can I get I ride today I got ditched again.?

Alex🤞🏻🌍 : ofc dude were leaving in 10

Y/N🔥 : ok thanks alex💕

You quickly turned off you phone and grabbed some black vans. You knew you were gonna get in trouble for them but you didn't care. You put them on and run out onto the frount lawn and sat there on the wet grass waiting for Alex. 

*11 Mins Later*

you see Alex's mums car come around the corner so you sat up and grabbed your bag ( I forgot to mention it was next to you on the lawn ). Alex's Mum pulled up and you sat in the backseat with alex, he's sister Angie stole the frount seat. "Thanks Mrs.Denton, hey Angie" you said politely. Angie just snorted and continued on her phone, she never liked you and you never knew why. Probably because of a rumor or something, you didn't really care what she though as long as alex and Leo were by your side you didn't give a damn about anyone else. 

A while later you arrive at school, you grab Alex's hand and run through the halls of Melbourne High School. You and Alex kept running until you got to the back oval. You knew Leo would be there, he's always there. It's the only place you could get away with smoking at this school, Leo just loved it down there. You see him so you run up and jump on his back while Alex just pulls all of you into a group hug. It was awkward the first couple of times we done it but it's just become a adorable daily routine. Leo flicked alex of him and gently put you down, " Hello God Sir!" You try and speak you best British acient but fail miserablely. They both laugh and you here the bell ring. You and Leo groan and Alex punches the air. " what makes you so happy today?" Leo asked, he try's to sound tough when he's around people it's kinda cute. "It's nothing.. welll there is something." He mumbled and jumped around. " hurry up and tell usssss!" I groan. "Fine then! It's just I get to sit next to The Xavier Buckham as in the hottest guy in schooool." Alex brags but you just laugh. "What's so funny?" He screams.  "Oh nothing," you laugh. You and Leo separated from Alex and walked to class together, you both had hell- I mean maths with Mrs Meade. You sit next to Leo and just talk and laugh the whole time. You weren't really listening to what he was saying though, you were just watching how he's forest green eyes light up when he smiles and how he's dark brown hair flops over he's perfectly shaped face. Shit I think I'm falling for him.

About half way the class there's an announcement sayin..

"can Y/N Hamilton and Nick Hamilton please come to the office" 

You groan and leave. "I'll text ya later " you quickly whisper to Leo and walk out. When you get to the office you see nick waiting there, he looks happy so you assume it's something good. "You get to meet your boyfriend tomorrow, we're leaving today so get your ass in the car so we can go pack!" He whisper- shouts and walks out to the car.

A/N this is more of a 'get to know alex and leo' type of chapter since you will text them a lot later but I promise finn and the bois will be her soooon ;)

620 words 

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