Sir Walter Scott

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  • Dedicated to Jeff for killing the bugs

She hated bugs. All kinds of bugs. Centipedes, flies, butterflies, lady bugs and most of all spiders. There was one in the corner ceiling of Stacy's room. Her face curled in disgust. It just sat there in its corner, staring at her.

"If you don't move, I wont kill you." She made a truce with the spider. She eyed it a little wile longer, daring it to move. It didn't. She turned off her light and went to sleep.


"Get up Stace! Time for school!" Her father said wile opening her curtains letting the blinding light come threw.

"Okay, I'm up." Stacy sat up in bed, stretched her arms and yawned; all with out opening her eyes. Her father walked out of her room with demands of her getting ready. Once he closed the door she fell back on her pillow. Then she remembered the spider.

Stacy shot up out of bed wide eyed and ready for battle. She reached for her glasses and looked in the corner of her room. It was still there. Stacy mustered up some courage and took a step closer to the corner. It didn't look like it moved at all.



"It's a huge spider Lynda! Plus its on the ceiling. I can reach it." Stacy took a bite out of her sandwich and picked the spilled lettuces off of her t-shirt.

" I heard that we eat eight spiders in our sleep in a life time. Or is it a year?" Stacy rolled her eyes as Lynda tried to remember that 'Oh so fun filled fact'.

"Well if its not bothering me, then I wont kill it." Stacy popped the last bit of her sandwich into her mouth, took a sip of Lynda's juice and re capped the bottle. "Thanks."

"Yup. What do you have next Stace?" She said with a mouth full of cafeteria fries.

"English. Something with Sir Walter Scott. 'Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.'"

Lynda paused chewing and started laughing uncontrollably, which turned into an uncontrollable cough.

"I get it!" Cough. "Web, Spider, English." Stacy uncapped Lynda's juice and handed it to her.

"It really wasn't that funny Lynd." Stacy gave Lynda a small smile and headed off to class. She could still here Lynda coughing.


Stacy's father didn't have to wake her up this time. She placed her glasses on her face and looked to the corner of her room. It wasn't there.

"Oh my god, I ate it." Stacys hand flew up to her mouth. After the initial shock, she couldn't help but laugh. When she calmed herself down, she got dressed and headed down stairs. Her father was making a fried egg sandwich with what ever cold cute they had in the fridge. When he turned around he still had the spatula in his had. He look shocked. Stacy's father turned back to the stove looking at the clock and turned back around to look at Stacy.

"What are you doing up so early? You've got an hour before the bus comes." Stacy shrugged her shoulders and got a bowl from the cabinet filling it with coco puffs and milk.

"Hey, Did you know you had a huge spider in your room?"

"Yeah, but it's not there anymore."

"I'm surprised you didn't freak. It was dead anyway, so I just threw it out." All of a sudden Stacy wasn't hungry anymore. She felt her eyes welling up and had to get out of the room fast.

"Um, thanks dad. I'm going to my room 'til the bus comes"

"Okay." Stacy flew up the stairs and closed the door to her room.

"It was just a stupid spider." she banged the back of her head softly against the door. She looked over at the empty corner of her room and slid down incasing her head with her arms.

"Stace! The bus is gonna be here any minute!" Stacy wiped her tears with the back of her sleeve and headed out the door.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2010 ⏰

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