Part 3 Chapter 1

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There's a picture of David I really hope your liking it so far and Addison might be crushing on David.

Addison's Pov

I was stareing at David when he grabbed that slut's ass and kissed her I knew he did it to bother me. I hate him I hate it when he kisses other girls when he should be kissing me and only me. Wait what did I just say my mind is going crazy I don't like David I will never! like him he's a jerk and a player. I shoke my head to clear out the thoughts of David and went to class. 

David's Pov

I saw Addison walk to class and followed her, "Hey nerdy" I said, "How many times do I have to tell you not to call me nerdy you asshole?" she yelled walking away. I followed her "Go with one of your little sluts and leave me alone" she said, "I think someones jealous but I don't blame you I know I'm iresistable", that made her so mad she turned around and slap me "I ain't jealous you asshole and your not iresistable your a man-whore that's what you are" and left. Dang that girl can hit but she's so sexy when she get's mad and the way she walks mmm that ass of hers I wish was mine. 

Addison's Pov

That jerk said I was jealous who does he think he is Mr. Iresistable does he think that every girl is gonna fall for just because hes hot. He is very hot though that tanned body and his abs what am I doing don't I hate him? Why am I thinking about his body? I'm so crazy I can't like a player who only wants sex. I walked into class and sat next to Abielle who seemed to be in a bad mood maybe because of Mackenize kissing Joe. "Hey what's wrong" I said, "Nothing what toke you so long to get to class" she asked oh great I thougth as I remembered David "David followed me and said I was jealous of him kissing and grabing a girls ass can you believe it?" "Wow now that's gross I'm sorry for you" she frowned, "I know how about you and Joe" I asked. She glared at me and I give her the look "We will talk about it later" and looked away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2014 ⏰

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