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Eyes open up to nothing. Darkness. I’m startled. Where am I? The metallic taste of rust fills my mouth, coughing out what tasted like blood. The hairs in my nose stung like acid, the familiar smell stuck me. Chlorophyll. The first gut feeling was I was kidnapped, but where am I? rubbing my rough my thumb against my forefinger, a sticky substance almost with the texture of dry blood, i've been here for quite a while. ‘here’ had no description. in the pitch black i tried to spread my arms outwards i was physically stopped by something, but mentally i was a mimer trapped in his box.  i was restricted from stretching this box it was like a coffin. i was quite tall, 5ft 9. so i could estimate how big this box was. feeling my surroundings,i can't hear anything apart from my nails dragging on what felt like cardboard.

- This Was Quite Rushed, Sowwii. Have A Virtual Oreo For Reading, Have Another FREE If You Vote. I'll Try And Fix It And Draft It ASAP. 

Tenks- Hadi.

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