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5sos' new song 'want you back' played through my headphones as I waited outside the store for my Uber, I had gotten Brad a massive card and was going to ask the fans I met to sign it so I could surprise him. I wanted to do something that meant a lot to him. Angel was already at the show because she wanted to listen to Connor in the sound check. Yeah they're together, if you haven't guessed. My phone vibrated in my jumper pocket and I slid it out.

Bradley Bear:
Oi ugly, hurry up and get here I miss you ❤️❤️x

I smile and just as I'm about to reply, my Uber pulls up. I'll reply later I thought and put my phone back into my pocket.

"Where are you going?" The man asks as I carefully got into the back seat.

"Central hall, please!" I reply, putting my head on the window watching all the surroundings pass by as he speeds away. I close my eyes as tiredness crept over me and I turn my volume all the way up.

However, when we come to a stop. We're not in the back entrance. We're in some woods. Panic swept over me and I have a sick feeling in the back of my throat. I quickly reach for my phone and press dial on Brad's number.

Pick up, pick up, pick up, I keep repeating in my head, but then it got to the last ring and all I was met with was "Hello, this is Brad, I don't really want to know what I'm supposed to do in this so just leave me a message then I'll call you back" I internally groan and then the taxi driver turned around and he had a murderous glint in his eyes.

"Oh you're finally awake!" Sarcasm rolls of his tongue and I'm taken aback. Don't respond and you'll be fine, Charlotte, I told myself. My mum had always told me that if I was in a situation similar to this I should try and look for an escape route. I quietly took of my seatbelt and looked at the doors. Oh my god, they're all child locked. I look back at the unknown man and he has a smirk on his face.

"You're not escaping, we're just waiting for the boss to come and get us." He laughs, it was evil and unsettling. He then reaches for a bottle of whiskey and takes a swig of it. Oh great, kidnapped with a drunk. "Do you want some?" He asks, handing the bottle towards me.

"No thanks," I say hitting it away with my hands. "What do you want with me?" I ask, my heart beating fast and adrenaline pumping through my veins.

"Nothing much, your dads money, maybe your boyfriends too." He turns away from me and a bright light turns towards us.

"My dad..." I begin to tell him that he wouldn't care because I haven't seen him in years but he gets up out of the car and of course locks it. So, is this the boss? Why does he wants my dad's money? I understand Brad because he has loads but my Dad supposedly has none?

I get out my phone again and try to ring James' number he's the most likely to answer. But yet again the same thing happens. "YO YO YO! Hey this is James leave a message I'll get back to you!" Then the door opens and a grey haired man puts his face into the car.

"Charlotte Manning, you're coming with me." He says, before putting a black hood around my face and my screams are muffled.

I should of never, ever fell asleep and I should of replied to Brad.

Will they even notice I am gone? Whose going to tell my mum what's happened?

I'm so terrified. Please don't let them murder me.

Brad's PoV:
"THANK YOU MELBOURNE!" I screamed and the microphone bounced my voice across the room and I earned a loud cheer from the sold out arena! I skipped of the stage, after posing for a picture for mine and the boys photos and started looking for Charlotte. I wanted to see how proud I made her.

There was Angel.

But there was no Charlotte.

She's just in the toilet, I reassured myself.

"Brad," James said, shock covered his face as he sunk against a wall. "It's Charlotte..." he drifted off as Tristan put an arm around his shoulders and Connor hugged me from the side. I looked at Angel, she was pacing up and down on her phone.

"What about her?" I reply, confused.

"She didn't turn up and she's not answering her phone." Angel says coming to me and bitting her nails.

"She's probably just at home!" I reassuringly say. I'm so god damn naive. I start walking and James grabs my arm.

"Joe sent a security guard, she's not there." He says and my whole world crumbles around me. I knew what he was saying. "We're going to go for look at her, there's a police patrol out looking for her." I peak my head around the door, there were fans struggling to get out still and grab my microphone of the stand. I need as many people as possible to look out for her.

"Erm hi," I say walking onto the stage followed by the other boys and Joe walks on from the other side, he looked confused. Everyone stopped in their tracks and started screaming. "Shush, I need to talk to you!" I say and silence takes over haunting me.

"As you all know, I have a girlfriend called Charlotte Sophie Manning." I pause, I can't say this, I look at James my tears glistening my eyes and he nods taking the microphone from me.

"Charlotte has gone missing, now we need as many people as possible to help look for her," he confidently says. "Put your hand up if you want to help and we will sort you into groups to help look for her." I watch most of the hands slowly going up like a Mexican wave.

"Right good, everyone come over here." Angel runs onto stage.

"I'll sort them out into groups." Joe says, a security guard runs onto the stage with a wad of paper and Joe starts writing something down.

"So who knows the area really well?" He asks, a few teens hands raise up along with their parents. "You ten will be looking in the woods, along with me and Brad and a security guard." They nodded and separate themselves off from the others. After a while everything is sorted out and we all look for her.

The search lasted all night, and all we found was her phone smashed up with tons of missed calls. I am so heart broken I just want her back.

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