Jean Marco or how I got jealous of my best friend

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That morning I woke up trying not to remain wrapped in my bed. I was awake even after the alarm clock ring but I felt my body really heavy. Lately I started to have some sleep issues but he guess it was all because his anxiety due my dad's death. I stood up and I went to the bathroom to get a fast shower. Sometimes I think that maybe I was a fish in "the other life" because I loved so much the water. I went out and I picked some clothes. I started to dress myself and I stared a bit contemplating the scars of my self harm. It wasn't something I felt proud of. But sometimes everything was too much and I couldn't help but harming myself. I soon covered them with long sleeved clothes. It was March so anybody would ask why. The weather was already fine, but mornings were cold. I took my backpack and I went downstairs. In the kitchen I saw my mum. She was having breakfast but I was kinda late, so I decided to go to school with my stomach empty. I  would have some food at the school cafeteria. I closed the door behind me and I walked until the bus stop. There, I waited till the bus arrived. In less than 15 minutes, I was already at school. I entered and I greeted myself due the warm of the school. I went to my locker and I started to look for my Anatomy book. Suddenly I felt a warm smile coming towards him: Marco Bodt. Marco was undoubtedly my best friend since kindergarten. We both shared a kind of empathy really special. Marco lived quite near from me so we both met really often. Marco's life was also hard. His father was an alcoholic who used to hit Marco and his mother dangerously often. It wasn't the first time that Marco attended school with a hit on his eye or cardinals all over his body. That's why in P.E he asked me to hide him from curious eyes. Marco knew that I used to harm myself and he was really worried about me.

-How are you,Bert?-asked me the freckled boy.
-Im fine, Marco. What about you?

-Well...this weekend he didn't hit me at all-said Marco shyly.

-Glad to hear it!-lied I. I knew that Marco was lying because he had a new scar on his hand.

Suddenly a brunette girl and a boy got close to us.

-Hi Bert! Hi Marco!-saluted Sasha.

I smiled as answer. Marco started to talk with Connie and Sasha, who started dating a year ago.

Suddenly I stared at him. My bully since the high school beginning. I knew I was wrong because falling for one's bully is insane. His name was Reiner Braun. He was tall, truly fit and blond. His face was always serious and calm. A simple sight of his amber eyes could make you feel goosebumps. Al least, that was the effect he had on me. Reiner never had talked to me, but every single time we met each other at a corridor, the blond used to wipe me out of his way. I always wondered why did Reiner hate me so much, but I was a wallflower so maybe it was the explanation. Reiner was really popular because he was a player of the football team. Obviously his friends were all popular people as Erwin, Auruo and Marlo Freundberg. They all looked at everybody as if the rest of the people were shit.
Lost again in the crowd, I was stuck looking at Reiner. Suddenly the blond noticed me and I started to walk faster to go to class. Once there, I sat next to Marco, behind the nerds, Hanji and Moblit. At first,I thought Hanji talked too much and she was even annoying but in the end, she ended up being really kind with me. Instinctively, I looked where Reiner used to sit. He was talking with Erwin while Auruo was flirting with Petra, one of the most popular girls of the high school. She was always with Hitch, Marlo's girlfriend, and Krista who were her best friends. He looked at the ones who came late. They were Jean, Levi, Annie, Nanaba, Mike and Ymir. They barely attended first hour subjects and they often were smoking and drinking at an abandoned building. Nanaba was really kind with everyone. She was hippie or something like that, and her hair was always quite short and blond. Annie and Levi were something like emo but I couldn't assure it because I barely talked with them twice. Ymir was tall and freckled, and she was Marco's cousin. I was sure she was in love with Krista but she  was a bit down due Krista's cocky attitude. And then was Jean. That bicolored hair kiddo was Marco's crush since prehistory at least. Surprisingly they both exchanged some hellos and goodbyes. That was at the beginning. Now they both had met sometimes at the cafeteria of the school. While they were  having a funny lunch, I felt kinda idiot. I looked at Marco. He was blushing madly. Jean was coming.

-Hi Freckles-said Jean warmly.

-Hi...Jean-mumbled Marco smiling.

I was expecting a flirt between Marco an Jean, so I  decided to act as if I wasn't there and draw or write on my black notepad.

-Marco, do you like it?-said Jean showing Marco his new earring.

-Wow! It's really cool!!-said Marco almost clapping.

They both laughed.

-Well, I was thinking that maybe you both would like to have some time with us this afternoon. -said Jean looking at me too.-We're going to have some kind of veggie barbeque at Nanaba's garden. She thought that maybe you two can come-said happily Jean.

-Umm, yeah! Of course! There we'll be!-said Marco unable to hide his excitement.

-Okay. I knew without you the party will be boring-said Jean with a sexy voice tone, stroking Marco's hand with his finger.

Marco blushed and laughed stupidly. I thought I was only a bit jealous because my crush didn't even look at me.  Suddenly the teacher went inside. 

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