About her, her bestie, and her bestie's sister.

12 1 1


•She has brownish blond hair. {brunette Ig}

•She is 16.

•She doesn't have any siblings.

•She only have a mother b/c her dad left when she was 2.

•10th grade.

•She is vine famous as well but hasn't been discovered yet.

•She have 800k followers on Twitter, 2m on Instagram, and 4m on vine.

•She is a fashionable person.

By the way, its Summer.


•She has blond hair.

•She is 16.

•She has one sister, which is Christi.

•10th grade also.

•She has 400k on Twitter, 15k on vine, and 1m on Instagram.

•She is fashionable too.


•She has blond, blackish hair.

•She is 18.

•She is sisters w/ Brady.

•She got 5k on Twitter, 100 on vine, and 10k on Instagram

Fashionable by the way also.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2014 ⏰

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