The Discovery Of Maria

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That night Ciel Phantomhive and his loyal butler Sebastian Michaelis were due to return to the manor located shorty outside of London. They had just solved a case of the kidnappings of young girls on the cities streets and disposed of the vile scum of which was causing the issue.

The boy was absent mindedly staring out of his carrige when he had called it to a halt, out of the corner of his eye he'd spotted a young female being harassed by someone, a man of around the age of fourty, dressed in a dirty suit and a scowl formed on his lips when spotting the short male alongside the haunting presence of his butler, whomst remained like a shadow.

The girl looked at Ciel with fire in her eyes as she glared in his direction "I don't need your held fancy pants" she yelled spitting words which caused Sebastian to cover his masters ears. "My my.. Your sure a little spitfire" he said his voice calm as he knocked the man aside with a swift kick to the torso. The butler squatted next to the angered female whomst made a few feeble attempts at lashing out at him only for his arms to come agaisnt her own. Eventually she gave up and rested her head agaisnt his shoulder suddenly becoming almost shy as realisation hit her like a smack to the face.

They were trying to help.

Ciel looked at the female whomst leant against Sebastian "Put her in the carriage.. She's coming home with us"

She looked up in Pure disbelief at his words "Your so kind Mister, thank you!" she hugged him, in return receiving an awkward pat on the back, she climbed in next to the strange noble and sat on the ground, that is until the nameless man dressed in black patted the seat beside him.

"If you want my hospitality you will work for me. I shall position you as a gardener alongside our current one who goes by the name Finnan, or Finny" Ciel drawled not really paying attention "Sebastian will show you your room and you will sleep, we shall discuss the rest in the morning" and with that they arrived at the manor, she scuttled out of the horse drawn vehicle and looked up her mouth dropping open as she turned to Ciel stuttering "Y-your sure..? Me h-here"

Curtly nodding he stepped past her, cane tapping on the pavement as the door swung open. He was greeted by 3 friendly looking people she presumed were servants, her attention drawn to a strawberry blonde haired boy around her own age who, for some strange reason was staring at her, she smiled and giggled as his cheeks flooded scarlett, entering the huge building and introducing her self to each servant in turn.

Finnian felt himself constantly staring at her, she was very pretty.. He was excited to work with her and noticed he kept tailing after her, Mey-rin and Baldroy had picked up on this and cooed at the male in admiration, of which he denied any attraction to her blushing profusely.

By now she had unpacked her very little belongings and was snuggled into a warm bed. A strange sensation it was however she dared to complain. Any thing was better than out there.

She slowly drifted to sleep as a single snowflake fluttered past her window, only to be followed by many more, easing her into pleasant dreams.

((A/N Hey there nice to meet you all if anyone actually reads this, i had thia idea randomly and decided to do it so here ya go! If this gets anywhere ill continue - Kai))

Word Count-618

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2018 ⏰

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