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Jimin hugged Hyejin waist as she was reading a book.

Jimin.’ She whined with a small smile.

‘What?’ He asks confuse as he wrapped his arms around her.

I'm reading.’ She said.


‘I want to read in peace.’

‘But, I want to show my beautiful girl my love for her.’ He said making her blush.

Jimin, I love you.’

‘I love you more.’

‘I love you to the moon and back.’

‘I love you to the moon and back then around again.’

‘I love you to the moon and back then around the sun’

‘My love for you is bigger than space, bigger then anything, the 'I love you' doesn't tell how much I really do love you.’ Jimin said making her blush,

Hyejin kissed Jimin and lean on his chest as he played with her hair. They stayed like that till night. Hyejin was about to get up till Jimin pulled her back down.

‘Where are you going?’ He asks

‘To bed.’ She bitterly answered.

‘Tough, you're staying here with me.’ He said as she shut her eyes with a smile.

Jimin chuckled and kissed her head.

‘Night baby. I love you.’ He said and went to sleep as Hyejin was in his arms..

"I finally met you.."

The End

Author notes

I hope you like this, this is shorter than my first one, this might be the last Tims I'll do a shirt story (I don't know yet) anyway see ya on Thursday!

Can I Touch Your Heart? [PJM FF] [Book Two] •Completed•Where stories live. Discover now