Losing You

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We all know that life didn't come with instructions,  although we wish it did. Then we wouldn't have to mess up, we wouldn't have to suffer and shed tears, we wouldn't have to try and figure out how to be human, but again if life did come with instructions we'd be robots. Knowing everything beforehand isn't always a good thing cause either way you'll end up screwing everything up. it's the way of living, I guess. And not knowing as in being "surprised" while life throws  bombs at you isn't a good thing either, just like waking up finding the most precious person gone. Just like that. Puff. Disappear. No warning what so ever.

G O N E.

As you can already see this is how I'm trying to tell you my story, my name is Devon cole and this is my story,


Friday, 16th of may.

White walls, suffocating smell, the sound of people crying or yelling in pain, the sound of heart monitors and squeaky shoes.. Yep you guessed it right. Hospitals, never a fan of them.

We're here because it's my mom's scheduled birth date, she's finally going to give birth to my brother after nine months of carrying him.

I've never been this happy before, I'm finally going to have someone who'll look up to me, someone I can boss around and baby him I've always wanted to be a brother and I guess it's about damn time.

I wish my dad was here he would've loved to see his face, he would've held mom's hand and told her that everything would be okay, he would've read her favorite book to calm her nerves, he would've told her he loved her and he always will. Unfortunately my father passed away exactly 10 months ago, it felt like yesterday though.

What snapped my trans of thoughts was my mom's loud yelp of pain that's when I knew that it's time to give birth. Doctors ushered her into the room and refused to let me in because I'm underaged claiming what I would see would scar me and stuff. Psht, Come on I'm thirteen I don't think I'm that young!

As I nervously waited outside, switching my weight from foot to foot, I've been like that for an hour until I finally gave up and sat down. Another hour passed then I got this feeling in my gut telling me that something was wrong, until I heard a crying baby. At this moment exactly I felt relieved yet slightly worried that it took so long for a women to give birth, you see those are the things I don't understand in life, I don't know how to act being the only person who's there for my mother. I really do wish life came with instructions!

Half an hour later, a doctor came out with tears threatening to fall . This is when I knew that everything I had was gone. It was cruel enough that my father passed away 10 months ago. Now my mom joined him. What hurt the most though.. I never got to say goodbye to any of them. But unlike my dad, mom left me with a gift a baby that I'm going to take care of, a huge responsibility for a thirteen year old boy. And I vowed to never let her down, I'll take care of baby Maddox even if my life depended on it. Which it does to be honest.

There you have it my tragic story of losing two souls and gaining one in the process. All in the same year.



comment if you liked it so far, and if there's any spelling or grammar mistakes or anything that could make it better let me know.

hope you enjoy this journey :)

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