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-Adrien PoV-
It's cold and wet today. Great, I thought to myself as I jumped from roof to roof. To top it all off modeling is becoming way too stressful. Sometimes I really wish I wasn't a model, it just gets to be too much. I sighed, I really wish I had a fri- *sneeze* Huh? Where'd that sneeze come from? I whipped my head around to see a familiar bluenette, standing under a tree, shivering and........crying. I swear who ever made her cry will pay! No ones allowed to make my princess cry! Especially considering she's practically my best friend!

I jumped over to the tree, landing right behind her, but she didn't notice me.

"Hello, purrncess~", I smirked trying to lighten up the mood. That didnt quite work out though, she was startled by my presence, causing her to slip and fall in a puddle.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry Mari, I didnt mean to-", She began laughing. Huh? Why is she laughing? Did she hit her head?

"Uh, Mari...why are you laugh?" I asked, a bit worried about my friend.

"I'm sorry my clumsiness is just what I need to forget about today." she explained through laughter. That is, until she remembers why she was upset in the first place, then she breaks down again. I didn't know what else to do but hug her. So that's what I did. What surprised me is when she hugged back without hesitation.

After a minute or so, I realized she was soaked from the rain, and it was cold outside.

"Princess, as adorable as you would look with a red nose, I don't want u to get sick." I grinned, trying to make her smile. She giggled, yes point for Adrien! Suddenly she boops my nose, that's right people she booped my nose.

"Silly kitty, but same goes for you, wouldn't want one of Paris' heroes to get sick.", she giggled. I sighed, don't worry about me you silly princess, nobody else seems to. She noticed my sigh, but I don't give her the chance to ask about it. I picked her up bridal style, the only true way to carry my princess,(you didn't think that in gamer( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) and lunged towards her address.

Upon reaching the bakery, I went through the trapdoor, and gently placed her on the bed. Following suit, I sat criss-crossed next to her.

"Thanks kitty, but how'd you know where I lived?" Well, you know in reality, I'm Adrien Agreste, model and son of Gabriel Agreste and your friend, but hey, you probably already knew that. C'mon Chat! Think!

"Well do you remember the puppeteer incident?" I asked her. She thinks for a moment before nodding her head.

"But what's that got to do with anything?" She pondered.

"You gave me address, remember?" She takes a moment before her mouth forms an 'o' shape, indicating she remembered. I chuckled at her reaction.

"Well seeing as you're home now, I guess I should go. Cya later princess." I stood up, heading towards the trap door as to make my leave, when a hand pulled on mine. I didnt expect her to do that.

"P-princess?" I questioned. Looking down at her, I see her bangs are covering her eyes as she looks to the covers.

"I don't mean to be a bother but," she looks towards me, and my heart breaks to see tears shedding away her beautiful blue bell eyes. "I just really need a friend right now . I would call Alya but she's off in America with Nino and wont be back til' tomorrow." she pleaded.

Giving her a smile, I sit back down. "I'll happily stay princess, but what about your parents?" I asked her. That apparently wasn't the right thing to ask because she begans to cry again, pulling me in for a hug, tightly gripping the leather on my chest.

"Prince-" "They're gone Chat." she cries. "When are they coming back?"I ask for some reason feeling dense about something, not knowing exactly what. She looks up at me, sorrow filled in her eyes.

"Chat, they're not coming back." That's when it clicks. It explains why she was standing out in the rain, crying under a tree........................................near the cemetery. Looking down at her, I see her hair is down, and she's wearing all black.

"Princess, you don't mean.....", I gulp, unable to finish my sentence. She nods, digging her head back into my chest, letting out her sobs. I didn't mind though. It felt good to hold her this close, knowing that I could help her feel better at this moment. It felt good knowing that she believed I could help her in this moment. Holding on to one of her arms, I slowly move my hand through her hair, calming her down.

Her body goes a little limp, and at first I'm worried, until I discover she's simply falling asleep. Carefully, I lay her back down on the bed, making sure she was tucked up under the covers so that she was warm enough.

"Goodnight, princess." I purr kissing her forehead. I head towards the trapdoor, when she speaks softly.

"Chaton," I look towards her,"Stay with me? A-atleast until the rain lets up. I don't want you slipping or catching a could." she asked, a bit embarrassed. Grinning, I lay back down, making sure we were at a distance that was okay with her.

So, basically as close as she would let me.

"Hey kitty?" she said turning to face me. I hummed in response. "Thank you, for always being here for me when I needed you most.", she smiled, causing my heart to flutter as heat raised to my cheeks. For a moment, I just think about everything that she's been through, and despite it all, she still found time to be the sweetest person in the world.

Her back was turned to me, and I couldn't help but cuddle closer, until I held her in my arms. She sighed, and scooted even closer, making pink dust my cheeks. I felt the strings of sleep pulling towards me, but before I surrendered to slumber I whispered to Marinette, knowing she couldn't hear me.

"I'll always be here princess, I promise."


Hi! SO this is the first chapter, and it's pretty long. Like, 1036 words long to be exact! My hand kinda hurt after all this, but it's totally worth it! Now tell me, is it worth continue?

On a scale of, HOLY CRAP THIS SHIT SUCKS, to a, OMG PLEASE CONTINUE, I NEED MORE! How would you rate me?

Don't forget to comment and vote and the next chapter will be coming soon! Peace out my Pineapples :P

I'll love you, no matter what...~Marichat~Where stories live. Discover now