Chapter 8

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Disclaimer- I do not own Naruto!

They were fighting a losing battle. Their sensei, Hatake Kakashi, was trapped in Zabuza's water prison jutsu. Kakashi had begged them to take the bridge builder and run.

The three genin adamantly refused. They would not lose their sensei knowing that there must have been something they could've done to save him. They couldn't live with that guilt.

Naruto kept making the hand signs for his kage bunshin's and charged at Zabuza's own clone. Naruto's clones tackled Zabuza before they were all sent flying back with the swing of his sword.

Naruto had landed in front of Sakura, groaning from the impact he made with the ground. Sakura's eyes tried to analyze the situation they were in. She had the best analytical skills in the academy and those same skills had transferred over into her training with team seven.

She calculated the time it took for Zabuza to disperse all of Naruto's clones. Each interval took between one to two seconds. Zabuza moved at an amazing speed but with each move, he seemed to lag a bit. The chakra it took to keep Kakashi in the water prison and keep his clone going was taking a toll on the ninja.

He was noticeably slower but not by much. But it was enough to set Sakura's plan into motion. Naruto was just about to create more clones when Sakura put a hand out in front of him.

"Wait Naruto, we can't just blindly run into battle like this. We need a plan." The blond lowered his hands, a sign that he was ready to listen. Sasuke looked at the two over his shoulder and listened.

"So what do you suggest we do? We're going to have to get Kakashi out of that water prison, and fast. We don't have much time left." Sasuke was clearly frustrated. His tone of voice said as much.

Zabuza seemed to be giving them time to figure out their next course of action, seemingly finding it amusing. He was humoring them, and Sakura knew it.

"Naruto, do you have enough chakra in you to make a few more clones?" Naruto nodded. "Good, because we're gonna need them."


Naruto stood front and center and performed the hand signs to another shadow clone jutsu. "Shadow clones? Is that all you got kid? If you're going to fight me, at least make it interesting." Zabuza said as he unsheathed his sword.

Naruto's clones charged at the ninja before tackling him once more. What Zabuza didn't expect, was that a small pink haired kunoichi would be there in the mix of clones. Sakura had her twin blades ready and blocked the oncoming attack from the rogue ninja.

She gritted her teeth and struggle to force Zabuza's massive blade back towards him. She looked over her shoulder and nodded to Naruto who in turn, pulled his bag from behind him and threw something to Sasuke with a cry of his name.

"Fūma shuriken!" Sasuke leaped into the air and threw the large weapon. The shuriken sliced through the air, moving towards its intended target.

Sakura watched as it whipped past the clone and towards the real Zabuza. The rogue ninja's eyes widen as he watched the blade come towards him.
Zabuza then reached his hand out and caught the shuriken.

Sakura smirked. The shadow of the first shuriken was moving right on target only this time, Zabuza wouldn't be able to catch it. Sakura only watched as the rogue ninja jumped over the second shuriken.

'Okay. Time for plan B.'

Zabuza looked back at the scene behind him. Just when he had thought he evaded the genin's simple attacks, a blonde boy took the place of the Fūma shuriken, a single kunai in his hand.

Naruto snapped his wrist in the direction of the rogue ninja. Zabuza had to remove his hand from the water prison in order to get away from the kunai having it hit his clone instead. Zabuza whipped around, shuriken spinning in his hand.

"Damnit. Naruto hurry, you have to get out of there!" Sakura called out to him. The boy quickly swam to shore before the two Jonin began to fight.

"Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura" Kakashi called out to them. "Well done. You three showed excellent teamwork. Sit out for this one, Alright?" He said to them with a smile.



I'm baaack. This chapter sucked 😂 I honestly hate it so much I'll probably re-write it in the future. Ill be sure to be more consistent in posting my chapters. Hopefully with summer on the way, I'll be able to do that. Please understand.

Also, if you haven't already, please be sure to check out my new story. It's different from what I pictured myself producing but I kind of love it and I want to continue it.

Well that's enough of me rambling, next chapter will be better I promise. I've even already started to write it.

-littlebrownbean ☕️💛

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