~Chapter One~

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It was a normal day at school. I was alone. I don't have any friends but it's okay, I like being alone. My name is Hannah Cooper.

My dad is a teacher at this school. I go to his room a lot and eat lunch at his desk. I don't like sitting in the lunch room. It's too croudy and I don't like it. Plus I have no one to sit with. So when I'm in my dad's store, I feel more comfortable.

We always eat together and talk about our day. It's calming because I can talk to him about anything. But one thing.

My dad is always flirting with a teacher at my school. Her name is Diana Codley. She's the gym teacher. I would always spy on them to see what their doing. He's always telling her she's beautiful and that "we should go out sometime".

It makes me sad that my dad is betraying my mom. She's works her ass off for me. She always believes in me and tells me I can be anything I wanted to be. Well right now I'm a Starbucks barista, but I wanna be a rich business woman with a nice house and nice car. I always dream about it.

The way my dad treated my mom is wrong, but I still love him because he's my dad. He tries to help our family. He's a caring person. But he always does stuff when mom's not around. I don't wanna tell Mom because it'll hurt her and break her heart.

I try to not focus on it but I'm always seeing them in the halls just talking and flirting with each other. I always hide. I don't want my dad to know that I know. And I sure don't want him to know that I have a crush on her.

I've been keeping it a secret for my whole high school life. She has a great personality and she's so pretty. One time in science class, we we're doing a chemical experiment. I was too busy thinking about her that I grabbed the wrong chemicle, and put it into the main chemicle. Then smoke started coming out of it and there was a fire. People started looking and then everyone came to where I was sitting trying to blow it out. People started yelling at me. "THERE A FIRE! THERES A FIRE!" and "WAKE UP FROM YOUR DAYDREAM DUMBASS!" and the last one "START BEING USEFUL AND HELP US!!!" I finally woke up from my fantasy and the whole class ran out of the room, so did I.

Conley doesn't know that I'm his daughter. But it's fine and I wanna keep it that way. I don't want her to know. No one knows I'm my dad's daughter. People just think I'm the weird silent girl. And I wanna keep it that way.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2018 ⏰

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