Chapter 4

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I walked back to where Brooke was standing when I left her to chat with Niall.

"I'm taking it that went well?" She asked

"Oh yeah! You kidding?" I exclaim "We kissed!"

Brooke looked at my pocket. There was a little piece of paper in it that wasn't there when I walked over to Niall.

"What's this?" she asked holding it up.

"Idk" I replied honestly. I open up the note and read it out loud.

"Call me" it said and under that was a phone number. I thought I recognized it for a moment... It was Niall's.

"OMG" Brooke exclaimed, "He gave you his number!"

"I guess so, but why me?" I said

"He likes you... Isn't it obvious?"

I knew what she said was true, but I didn't want to admit it at the time.

"Idk" I said all casual. The reason I didn't tell her about me and Niall dating before is because I didn't want people to be jealous of me and send me a bunch of hate on twitter... Because knowing the kind of girl I'm friends with... That kind of a secret, doesn't stay a secret for very long. Two of my best friends in the UK learned that the hard way when they leaked who they were dating to the public... Apparently they were dating big pop stars. (Note that this was before I met Niall and the guys so I didn't know who they were talking about)

Who do u think it is? Comment what u think! (Only will get it if u know me) Will find out in next chapter!

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