Jin Letter 1

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Dear Jin, 2/27/18
  You have been a really good inspiration in my life. You are really talented and beautiful. I want to become a singer when i grow up because of people like you. You are a wonderful person with a wonderful personality and heart. You take care of Bangtan and others. You inspire me to do many things in my life. Although you will never read this, i want you to know I love you. I hope you continue to love and care for others. People call you the mom of Bangtan because of your great and caring personality and thats what we love about you. You can dance, you can sing really high-high notes, you can cook, you can do even more, god you can do everything i can't. But thats why i rely on you to be your best so i can improve and be my best. With these false EXO-L's rumors I can barley even control my anger and sadness but you are stronger and I hope you guys can stand up to them because you guys are innocent and you guys are just Idols and singers,(more), you don't need to be going through all this drama. I hope you do skim through this one day, because I want you to know how much I appreciate you.
     I Love You,
Anonymous ❤️

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