2. First Glance

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Liz's P.O.V

Two days of mourning and grieving have passed, and my family invited to attend a memorial gathering next door, for Nan.

I was told that Louis was coming home early tomorrow morning, and I'm just glad I won't have to see him today.

I need some time to prepare myself for seeing the person I haven't spoken to in a long time.

Nan always told me that Louis would come around. She comforted me when I missed him, and she always updates me on what's going on with him...even if I don't ask. She already knew that I was thinking of him every time I came over.

Now I was here, being greeted by everyone who attended the gathering, including his mom and sisters.

His sisters from his mum's side and I were awfly close as well. Especially Lottie.

The moment Lottie saw me and Flynn, she jumped up and came to hug me.

"Are you excited to see Louis tomorrow?" she asked me as if she had completely forgotten the years of not speaking.

I smiled it off. "Nervous," I replied.

She smiled sympathetically. "He'll be happy to see you, Liz. Don't worry about it."

She inched past me to give Flynn a hug, who tensed up because he never liked hugging girls as much. The only girls he allowed to hug him was me and mum.

However, he hugged her a litte this time, probably for respect for her loss.

She went to talk to her relatives and left me alone with my brother.

"That was weird," Flynn whispered to me.

I chuckled. "What? Hugging her?"

He nodded.

"Why don't you like hugging girls?" I asked as I sat down on one of the chairs.

He shrugged. "I don't know. I guess I don't want my future girlfriend to get jealous?"

That got both of us giggling.

He stopped giggling after a while and he looked up at me.

"Are we going to see him tomorrow?" he asked.

"Who, Louis? Yeah, I heard he's coming home tomo-"

"I was talking about Jonah," he said dully.

I paused and closed my mouth. "Oh...uhh hopefully not."

"Good. I still don't like him," he muttered.

I sighed. "I don't like him either."

"Then why were you with him?" he questioned. He leaned in closer. "I liked Louis a lot better," he whispered.

I looked down at my hands. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you right away about Louis and I. I didn't mean to make you feel confused about Jonah. He and I just clicked for a moment and I thought I liked him, but I didn't-"

"LOUIS!" Flynn shouted with his eyes looking straight past me.

I froze in my spot. It seemed that it all happened in slow motion.

Flynn's excited, surprised face lit up and he ran past me. I didn't want to turn around then because I didn't want to believe that he was here. But I heard his voice. This was the voice that I haven't heard in so long, and my heart dropped when I heard him say my brother's name with the same excitement that I experienced on our first date.

I turned around to find Flynn hugging none other than Louis himself, who was wearing a black t-shirt that fit his body perfectly. He looked somewhat different, yet he still looked amazingly perfect in every which way.

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