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TAEHYUNG SITS ON the edge of his bed.

The wards are down on the fifth day, as they'd been before. The air is still, a calm before the storm, and he knows that it could be hours, or even minutes, before the undead breach the perimeters. Outside, he hears the soft thuds of army boots as Jungkook paces the yard, waiting for the tank to rescue them.

It's time to leave.

But he can't. Fingers clasped around a frame, he looks down at the girl in the photograph and studies her sunshine on snow smile. She'd left with a man days ago, according to Jungkook. Logically, he has no reason to stay behind, and yet...

If I go, he wonders, looking down at her picture, will I ever find you?

A sudden shout breaks his thoughts.

He bolts up, instinctively grabbing his gun and bag. More shouts. It comes from outside, and it's in a remarkably familiar voice. Jungkook. Without hesitation, he sprints out to the living room and flings the door open, only to freeze at the scene before him.

The creatures in the yard block their closest escape route. Several are gathering speed as they careen through the gate, but one is already in. Jungkook lashes out at the zombies with his knives. They slice through flesh, but the zombies continue on undeterred. His shrieks dissolve in a flurry of incoherence in the background as Taehyung stares wide-eyed at the creatures.

These are not the same.

He sees it in those few seconds. They're not the same as the one he'd killed in the store before. Fresh blood foams at their mouths, dribbling down their chins. Their heads have visible tufts of hair, and their bloodshot eyes have an uncanny amount of intelligence that chills his blood. They're aware, he realizes. They're aware because they've just turned and they know it, but they can't stop it from happening. How can I kill something that's still human?

He's still shaking from the revelation when one of the zombies lunge forward. Jungkook screams in pain as the creature's claws dig into his leg.

The sound wakes something within him.

Taehyung blinks, levels his gun and pulls the trigger.

With a blood-curdling howl, the creature drops to the ground. Taehyung grabs Jungkook by the collar and shoves him into the house. He registers a noise from the back of the house, but he keeps his gun aimed at the other zombies climbing over the fence. They're moving faster than ever, and he shoots another one.

"Get back!" he yells at Jungkook.

"The tank's here. We've got to go now!"

He puts another one down and chances a glance over his shoulder. Jungkook's right. Through the back window, he sees a large vehicle pulling up along the street. They have thirty-seconds to climb aboard, if they can escape the savage creatures now climbing onto the front porch. In his mind's eye, he can picture it—if they turn to run, there's no guarantee that they'll both make it to the tank without getting mauled to death. In fact, there's no guarantee that anyone in the tank would be safe if the undead catches up.

He understands now. It's time to leave.

But I won't.

He takes aim and blasts another zombie in the face. Then he grabs Jungkook, hurls them both past the threshold and slams the door shut. The shrieks and cries outside don't stop, and the door shakes with the force of the creatures hurling themselves against it.

He jerks his head in the direction of the tank. "Go."


"I said go!" he snaps. "Go and don't look back."

"I can help—"

"Help them." He points to the tank, then swivels his gun to face the door. The hinges are cracking; the cries grow louder. Anytime now. He drags in a deep breath and clenches his jaw. "If you ever find her," he adds quietly, "keep her safe for me."

Jungkook hesitates. Then he claps him on the back and turns to leave. He hears Jungkook sprint for the tank, a split second before the door bursts open. The creatures flood in. Snarling, screeching, salivating. He takes aim with marked precision—he'd worry about his innate talent at killing later—and sends the first wave falling like dominoes. Whatever is in his gun is different. It puts them down and they don't come back up. Amidst a blanket of terror, a familiar image of the girl rises in his mind.

If you're the one who saved me before—please.

Save me again.

He thinks he might've finally succumbed to madness when he hears a familiar tick, tick, tick. A zombie leaps at him, jaw unhinged and teeth inches from his neck, just as she pulls him to safety.

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