Plan in Motion

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Francisco was on the point of poking at the cell lock with an old pin for either flowers, or paper, or whatever that had been his own grandfathers, when everyone heard footsteps and all stepped back. A trio of guards stepped up with their solemn faces. Cid and Gabe glanced to each other, and then the lieutenant tried again. "Look...Juan...", he appealed personally, or tried, to the one in the middle.

"Save it!", the other snapped his head up and glared, though. "You two have no rank anymore, after playing traitor!". He went back to calmly unlocking the cell, "And now we've orders to take and deal with all of you accordingly".

"From who", Cid was half afraid this was all some elaborate set up of events by someone...Fiero or Shuriki.

"Captain Sandoval", Juan answered distractedly, and both guards in the cell shrank with relief, odd as that was, and dire their situation still.

Cid tried again, "Juan, you're only from a few blocks away from's a bit more well to do than mine and Gabe's, not as military as Rico's...", he heard Gabe mutter to keep to point, "...look over there, at the youngest princess, she's a child, Juan, if you do anything, you'll regret it and...whatever you think her family did politically surely...".

Speaking of Rico, he sauntered up, "And just what are you saying, Senor Garza?", he asked, "that those of us with military background aren't as compassionate?". Cid held in his response for knowing that Rico wasn't in his right mind.

"Well, you could prove it wrong...", Gabe pried. To no avail. Rico just glanced to the guards again and they went back to unlocking the door.


"I'm not gonna lie Dad, this plan's a bit crazy...", Naomi admitted, glancing to the tray in her hands, and her father and Mateo holding others.

"But our best bet at the moment, trust me, I've dealt with sailors and guards'll work, enough anyway", Captain Turner said, "Here, set those on the cart too". Naomi and Mateo did so. "Now...moment of truth", Captain Turner went on, opening the door and peeking for irate sailors. Naomi pushed the cart, the coast being clear for the moment. They hopefully had enough drinks with potion now in them to take care of everyone in Avalor if they came by...and when. The more they got in line with right thinking the easier this would probably be.

Dona Paloma was their first challenge. Of course! thought Naomi! "Hold it right there, Captain Turner, what's all this?", she asked, waving her fan at the Harbor Master and then glancing to the tray. It was hard to tell, but she seemed more suspicious and just plain disagreeable than usual. Oh well, hopefully the potion didn't hurt anything if she didn'tneed it.

Captain Turner didn't miss a beat, though. "Ah, Dona Paloma...", he gave a bow, "So nice to see you today, I heard we had a revolt on our hands...", he lightly pried for her reaction to tell if the potion was needed. No matter how the woman might discreetly put down the princess, she, like Estaban, wouldn't condone all of this and a full on revolt.

The woman just waved her fan, looking satisfied, "Yes, the princess has been running this ineffectively for far to long, maybe now we'll get some competent rulers".

"Dona! Take a glass, please!", it was almost satisfying, Naomi thought, to offer one of the cups after the woman had finished this spheal, and even if it wasn't really her spheal, the girl knew.

"Celebration toasts of a sort", her father added in for an explanation of what they were. Dona Paloma studied the glass and then took it and drank it. Everyone held their breath.

The woman grimaced, "The flavor's awful, Captain Turner, I would work on that if I were you, but...", there seemed very little segue, but her eyes next widened and she gasped, "And...oh my, the revolt! We must stop it!".


Naomi wished they could have picked up a more agreeable ally at first, but whatever, it was for Elena!

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