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Dear world,

I'm a strange person. I, but I guess that's a normal thing now.  I'm an introvert, an internetter. I don't have that much of a life outside of here, unless it's with my best friends Bryce and Megan. i'm a writer and an artist with a little music thrown in somewhere. I use Youtube to post animations and I probably Tumblr a little more than I should too. I'm still half in the closet. I've come out to my best friends and my mom, who wasn't that excited about it. 

My biggest hope is that I can fully come out and have what I need to reach a place where I'm comfortable with myself. I also guess that since this is based around Love, Simon, I should throw a little live in here too. I've got the BIGGEST crush on one of my best friends, and she knows it too. I love hanging out with her, because for the time I'm with her, I don't feel like I'm alone. I have someone that I can be one hundred percent myself with and she won't judge me for it. I'm so happy that I talked to her and that we became friends. She's probably the coolest person in my life right now.

I am a socially awkward person on almost every level. I can't go up to a counter in McDonalds and order something without tripping over my own tongue. Or my own feet.

I'm a youtuber,  mostly animation and speed draws. I love watching other youtubers, gamers of course. They always manage to make me smile. Especially Jacksepticeye, Markiplier, Crankgameplays, and PewDiePie. 

I guess since no one here really knows who I am I can come out on here.

I'm transgender/genderfluid and pansexual. I'm not supported in my own home, but I do have a few friends that support me and I thank them for that. 

There isn't much more I can say about myself, I'm not that interesting, I'm an introvert and have several mental illnesses. But I got help and started medication and am doing much better. If you're suffering from a mental illness, I encourage you to ask for help. reach out. I promise, there are people that will help you. 

Love, Jakeinthebox

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