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After Optimus gave them the all clear, Jazz sent out a message to a old friend of theirs. Using the Tellatran the music mech cleared his voice box and waited for the other line to pick up. After several seconds a masked figure appeared on the other line.

He was in all back, mask, clothes and everything else but his icy blue eyes showed surprise....seeing that it was the only thing showing.

" Long time Jazz....whatcha need?" The man asked in a deep gruffy voice. The t.I.c gave a half smile.

" Well we couldn't think of anyone else we could trust.....seeing most humans hate us right now....we've got a injured human with us.....was with one the terror twins.....our two medics in training dun know enough about humans to help her....can we count on you?"

The young man's eyes twinkled humorously.

" I'll need to be picked up...."

" Well....if ya give me your location....I'll pick ya up within da hour."

The masked ally nodded.

" I'm sending them now....see you then Jazz..." and ending with that the connection was cut off. Smirking slightly to himself when the coordinates beeped on the computer Jazz transformed.

" If any of ya are looking fer meh, I'll be in Navada!!!" He shouted before he drove off.







" What in the all spark is that?!" Sunstreaker growled in annoyance, snapping his optics open, the yellow mech greet by a large blinding light. " nnnuugggg! Turn it off!" He hissed, as he used his servos as a shielding.

" Your awake." Said a familiar but overly grumpy voice. Sunstreaker squinted his optics as the medic came in view.

" Doc....h-how did I get here?"

A low growl could be heard erupting from Ratchet.


Ignoring the yellow mech's cursing in pain, Ratchet tossed his wrench into the air and caught it, doing this repeatedly while glaring at his most recent patient.

" Don't.Call.Me.Doc!"

Sunstreaker frowned and rubbed his helm.

" Sheesh....ok...duly noted, but watch the finish....ok?" He huffed. Pushing himself into a sitting position, he shook his still pounding helm.

" How did you guys find me? Is Sideswipe here?" The lemon colored mech asked. The medic shook his helm no and sighed.

" No he's not.....Prowl stopped a con from futher beating the slag out of you...."

The twin scoffed.

" No-one can beat the best Doc-I mean Ratchet...." he bragged trying to get up.  The red and white medic gripped his shoulder plating and forced him back down.

" ep ep ep ep!! Don't even try! Your leg can't support you yet!"

Sunstreaker rolled his optics.

" what do you mean? My leg is just..." he paused when his optics fell on his new operated on leg. " oh dear primus what did you do!?!?" He screamed. Once bright yellow, his leg and ped armor were not replaced with a dark dull gray.

" ITS HORRID!!!!!" He shouted still staring at it. Ratchet groaned and buried his face plate in his servos.

" I'm glad you like it....." he replied sarcasticly, receiving a deadly glare from the twin.

" Look...Sunstreaker, it was the only way to save your leg." Ratchet said bluntly as he started to put his equipment away.

" I think I would rather have lost the leg...." he murmered. " A all yellow frame and a random gray leg just does not go...." he hissed angrily.

" Unbelievable....." the medic spat. " I'm getting to old for this."

Sunstreaker unhappily laid back down and stared at the ceiling.

" I bet my stupid human won't even repaint it....human...Ari....oh Slag....RATCHET!!!!!" He screamed. The medic turned around.

" WHAT!!!???!!" he screamed from beside him. The yellow mech raised a optic.

" Oh...sorry...I thought you left and....nevermind....Human! My-I mean Sideswipe's human was-was in-"

The chief medic cut him off.

" Yes we already got her out of your chassis compartment. Jazz is going for help right now."

" What? Why isn't she ok?! She should have been fine in my chassis compartment!"

Ratchet sighed again.

" You fought a decepticon Sunstreaker.....and lost. I'm surprised she isn't dead...."

" I didn't lose." He spat.

" Prowl had to come and save you, that means you lost." Ratchet shot back at the vain mech.

" Now someone has been dying to see you..." Ratchet said plainly. Before Sunstreaker could question who, Ratchet opened the door and a purple and yellow blur shot through the room.

" What the-" he shouted before he was tackled. A happy whimper came from the bot nuzzeled him happily.

" Bob?!" The yellow mech gasped. The smaller insecticon wiggled and sat on top of his master.

" Ooff....Bob....good to see ya...too..." he gagged between the licks from his semi tamed pet.

" Gross Bob....you know that doesn't come out...." he hissed, grinning slightly at the actions of the insecticon.

" My insecticon is fat....what did you feed him?" Demanded the terror twin.

" Same as you did." The medic replied with a shrug.

" But two days ago was the first time he left your room in years."

Sunstreaker looked at how pet and gave him a fond pat. Attempting to sit up again he looked at the door.

" So what exactly is wrong with Ari?" He asked, the smallest hint of worry was heard in his voice. Ratchet shrugged.

" We don't know....."


After several hours of driving...ok more like speeding down Nevada's empty roads, Jazz pulled up to a lone old fashioned dinner that was literally in the middle of nowhere. Pulling into a parking spot he waited, until a familiar human came into view. Dressed in all black and a bag slung over his shoulder he approached the sports car. Tapping on the window he looked inside and smiled when he saw nobody inside the car.

" Ready to roll Jazz?"  The man asked. A low chuckled came from the dash.

" Ready as I'll ever be.....good ta see ya again..."


Hello!!! The author isn't dead!!! Sorry, had a huge case of writers block....srry!!! Thanks for being so patience guys, ya'll are awesome! Hope ya enjoyed the chapter....

Oh and before ya go, I started a new Transformers book called " Stranded "

Its about Prowl, just felt like the mech could use the spotlight....feel free to check it out!! Thanks again!!!

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