Prologue(The very beginning)

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Hey, guys welcome my first book. It might be a while before I write another chapter. But don't worry I won't leave you hanging for long. Hope you guys and girls like it. Enjoy!

"Aurora! You know we're not supposed to be in the garden!", I said as I looked at my little sister digging in the dirt. 

Just in case I didn't tell I'm the one screaming at my little sis for digging in the dirt. Her name is Aurora Fair Coker. Oh, and my name is Rain Lily Siversen. Better give you names before we get too far into the story.

"So, Mom said I could!" "Well, I said you can't! And you know why too!" "Whatever, at least I don't think I have to be perfect!" "Actually, sis you do! Haha!" After we had our dumb timing fight, Mom called us in for dinner. 

We had what we usually have, mac and cheese with a veggie and mashed potatoes. But I wasn't the one who was tired of it, I was fine with the food. Aurora was the one with the problem.

"Why do we HAVE to have the SAME kind of food every night!" "Because that's all we have right now kiddo. I'm sorry."

After the "drama queen fit" we heard knocking at the door. My parents were too busy cleaning the dishes and Aurora... well Aurora was too lazy to answer the door.

I got off the couch and went to the door. I unlock both locks and looks outside. There were two men dressed in black, kinda looked like bodyguards. They said with their deep voice, "We're looking for Aurora Coker and Rain Siversen"

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