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"You're welcome." Jimin hissed from the kitchen as I walked into the living room.

"For what?" My brows furrowed as I looked at him.

"For covering up for you," he paused as he looked up at me, "again." He let out somewhat frustratedly.

"I didn't ask you to do it." I shrug as I took my breakfast.

"You ungrateful little piece of-" he murmured under his breath. "You were with Taehyung, weren't you?" Jimin asked as he leaned against the counter top, staring right at me.

"Why should I tell you?" I met his gaze.

"Because, firstly, I'm older than you. Secondly, I could get your ass busted anytime." He said as he took a bite of his sandwich.

"You have to stop pulling the older sibling card, you're literally 2 minutes older than me." I groaned and before he could rebut I grabbed my car keys. "Hurry up, we're going to be late for school."

I got out the car, Jimin rushing out in a second, sprinting to school the next. I watched the back of his form walk away in such a hurry, meeting up with a bunch of his classmates and for some reason my heart sinks as I watched the students enter school.

Even though Yeona had been missing for a month, we thought she'd be back. The hope of seeing her still alive, but after the funeral, it was weird how I'd never see her walk up to school with her unusual choices of clothing.

"Hey," I feel an arm grab my waist and I turn around seeing Taehyung and he catches the look on my face. "Is something wrong?" He pulled away, looking at me intently.

"No, nothing." I shook my head, trying to shake off my thoughts and guilt but it comes rushing back in the moment students throw judgemental glances at us.

"We could skip today," I feel him nudge me the moment he realised why I was tense.

"Like, ditch school?" I turn to look at him with confusion and he nods. "You just really want to get the both of us in trouble, don't you?" I chuckle lightly and he mirrors my smile. "Plus, it's your first day back in a while."

"It's only half day today, Founder's Day is tomorrow." He reminded me and I nod, staring back at the school, the thought of skipping becoming more alluring. "We could go for a nice ride, somewhere a little different this time." He suggested.

"I have to be back here to pick Jimin up." I say, scrunching my face as he laughed.

"You say it like he's a kid."

"Well, he is." I stated and a throaty laugh escaped his lips. "And, he's been covering for me the past few days. I don't want him to know that I skipped." I say, not wanting him to know that Jimin was against us hanging out.

"I'll get you back here on time, promise." He stressed, tugging at me lightly so that I'd agree and I did.

We arrived at a basketball court that was close to Woods Field. It was a little rundown, the net torn apart with the basketball hoop layered with rust.

"What is this place?" I asked as we walked past the fence, onto the court.

"A basketball court, dummy." He laughed and I shoved him lightly.

"I can see that," I looked up at him and he smiles. "But what is this place to you? Why'd you bring me here?" I asked as we walked around.

"I used to tell my parents that I was practicing whenever I came here," he stated walking before me.

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