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~ Status ~


~ Summary ~

Lies. Deception. Trickery.

Welcome to Sabotage.


Sabotage is the reality TV show that's sweeping the nation. Contestants compete in a total of eight tasks, with their main aim being to sabotage the others using whatever means possible. Players are eliminated until there is only one left, who wins the grand prize of one million pounds.

For the 10th anniversary of Sabotage, a new format is introduced; players will compete in teams of four, and of the ten teams one will get to split ten million pounds.

Jess, Eve, Faye and Sydney make up team two. In the most high stakes game of Sabotage ever, there simply isn't time for anyone to have a secret agenda.

Unfortunately, all four of them do.

~ Graphics ~

Graphics on the side up to chapter one are made by dreaming_star_ , and the rest are by annie-joyce

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