Chapter Fourteen

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Kayla's (POV)

I woke up to the sound of my phone dinging. I groaned and sat up. I opened my phone and went straight to my messages. Mike finally texted me.


Mike- I'm sorry I've been ignoring you it's wrong of me I just figured you would tell me that something was happening between you too. I also haven't texted because my grandma is getting worse so I still don't know when I'm getting back but I will most likely be back in a couple weeks.

Kayla- It's okay I understand but nothing was happening between me and Sebastian at the time and I'm really sorry about your grandma and I'll be praying for her.

Mike- Thanks and 'at the time' so there's something going on between you two now?

Kayla- Yeah we've been hanging out and we've done the deed and we call each other babe and stuff but we're not official we haven't even talked about that yet.

Mike- Oh okay. And can you email me the homework everyday and I'll just email it back to the teachers? I have a temporary tutor over here so I won't get far behind.

Kayla- Yeah sure thing and I'll talk to you later me and Isabella had a long night.

Mike- Okay thx love you.

Kayla- Love you too.😘

There was this weird feeling in my stomach and I knew what was about to happen. I ran to the bathroom and emptied out my stomach. I also just noticed that I didn't see Isabella when I woke up. I got up and walked around the house I found her in another bathroom leaning against the wall next to the toilet. I sat beside her and we just stayed quiet until I got up and offered her some Tylenol.

"We are never getting that drunk again," she mumbled. "Agreed," I said sick to my stomach.

I called my mom and told her that Isabella and I weren't feeling well and if she can call the school and let them know we're not coming.

I got up and left her in the bathroom and headed to the kitchen. I took out the blender and made my famous hangover smoothie. It consisted of kale, spinach, cottage cheese, bananas, and crushed up Tylenol. It's the most disgusting thing I tasted but it's helps.

I poured it into two cups and went back into the bathroom.

"Hell nah, I'm not drinking that stuff anymore," she said.

"Suit yourself," I said gulping both cups down. I don't know how I can't drink this stuff without gagging.

A couple minutes later I emptied my stomach again which happens after I drink the smoothie and began to feel a little bit better. Since Isabella didn't want to drink the smoothie I left her in the bathroom to suffer alone.

I hopped in the shower to rinse the smell of booze and throw up off of me. When I got out I threw on some sweats and a sports bra not feeling like putting on a shirt right now.

I walked down the stairs feeling so much better and decided to make some breakfast for us. I cooked eggs, bacon, grits, and sausage. I went to check on Bella but she was knocked out in the bathtub. I went back downstairs to eat my breakfast when I decided to text Luke and ask him did he want to come to the mall with me today.

Me- Hey Luke do you wanna come to the mall with me today?

Luke- Sure what time?

Me- How about around 1:30?

Luke- That works for me do u wanna ride?

Me- That will be great thanks see you later.

It was already around 10:30 so I got dressed into a long sleeved crop top and high waisted shorts with my blue Jordan's. It didn't take that long to get dressed so I watched tv to pass the time.

After a while watching tv got boring so I decided to do some chores. After I was finished it was only a couple minutes before Luke said he would pick me up. I heard him pull up into the drive way so I wrote Isabella a note saying where I was and then I walked out the door.

"Hey Luke," I said getting into his car.

"Hey, so which mall?" He asked looking at me.

"How about Eastside?" I suggested. He nodded and started driving.

"So what are you gonna do tomorrow? He asked. I looked at him confused.

"What do you mean, I'm going to school," I said.

"We don't have school tomorrow it was canceled because there was a bomb threat," he said.

"How did I not know about this?" I replied shocked.

"Well you've left early with Isabella and that's when they made the announcement at the end of the day." Luke said.

"Ohhhhh, I should really stop leaving early," I said giggling. As we were laughing in the car I couldn't help but feel like I'm being watched.

Sebastian's (POV)

I was so swamped with work I didn't even try to get in contact with Kayla. She's mad at me and I can't help but feel guilty for lying to her. I wish I could tell her why I was leaving town but I didn't want her to get caught up in my family drama. I'm gonna text her I thought.

Me- Hey are you still mad at me?

No reply

Me- Are you ignoring me?

No reply, so I tried calking her but she didn't answer. I put my phone down and ran my hands through my hair. I'm so stressed and tired I didn't get any sleep last night because I'm tying to sort out all of the important business before I leave. Since Justin was on a different job I didn't have anyone to watch over the gang.

My phones started to ring and I picked up not looking at the caller ID.

"Kayla?" I asked hoping it was her.

"No boss it's us," Emma and Emily said and the same time. There not even related so I don't even understand how they do that all the time.

"We're following Kayla like you said and she's on her way to the mall with...Luke." She said the last part slowly.

I was mad. I was beyond mad I told her I didn't like her hanging out with him but she does anyway. I decided to calm down and not rush over to the mall cause that would make her even more mad at me. So I walked out of my office and into my bedroom and went to sit in there all day so I wouldn't end up killing anyone. I didn't text her because I knew she wouldn't respond, so I just sat there thinking.


Im still not being able to learn how to end the chapter better and it's fucking frustrating but thanks for reading and supporting my story no matter the mistakes love you guys. Peace✌🏾

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