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Emily's Pov

Hey there ~

I'm Emily, Emily Kim. I love being a nerd, why? Easy. Cause no one notice me at all!

"Hey Nerd! Do my History homework!" shouts someone across the hallway.

I turn to see a book flying at me.

Ok. So maybe I do get notice... But they don't really bother me all the time.

"Oi Nerd! This English homework needs to be given back to me in 2 hours!" shouts someone on the other side of the hallway.

I turn to see the book flying at me.

I could totally catch them both, but I'm a Nerd. Covering my face with my arms, I felt the books hit my body.

"Ow..." I said quietly.

I heard giggles around the hallways. I picked up the books and carried them in my arms. Yeah yeah, okay maybe I do get bothered a lot... Just for homework...

"Hey Nerdy!" I turn around seeing the rudest boy ever. Jason, Jason Park.

He walks towards me with all his other friends around him.

Jason looked like his usual handsome features, his flipping black hair with eyes like a bright green gemstone and those lips.

Shaking my head, I looked up, seeing him right in front of me.

"Looks like you study hard." He says.

Me? Study Hard? These are freakin' homework from other people! But yeah okay, I do study hard and I get smarter by doing people's homework, but I put myself before them unless they were my friends. Just to note, I don't have any. AT ALL.

"You think you can push your work aside and do mine?" He asked as he held up a folder.

I nodded and he handed me the folder. At least he doesn't go throwing it at me...

"Alright now move, you’re blocking my locker, and I must say you look gross as usual."

Bummer. That hit me hard. I'll never get used to it, he says such negative things that I'll never get use to! I mean... I get use to other people but not him... How foolish am I? But who cares I hate him and he hates me to. I think? Well I dislike him that's for sure.

I didn't look bad... I was in a blue wool sweater, with black leggings and a blue and black converse, also wearing my awesome fake glasses which I love so much! My hair was brown and very curly and in a ponytail.

Did I mention my locker was right next to his? Yup... Amazing!! -Note the sarcasm- I opened my locker and putted all the books into my locker. Turning around I bumped into someone.

"Oh oops." I heard a girl voice. My glasses dropped and I pretended to look for it. So getting down I move my hands around the floor finding my glasses. About 20 seconds I grabbed my glasses and putted them on.

"What do you want Milly?" I asked looking at her. "I need you, so you can help me with something." She said. "I just need you to cover me from Mr K, just tell him I couldn't make it to detention because... well just think of something!" 

Ok I don't get bothered for just homework... But the nerd life is great...


This is the 5th time this week she wants me to make an excuse for her not going to detention, does she not realize that the teacher will get suspicious why it's always me that keeps going to him giving an excuse why she won't be there? The first time I told the teacher she needed to go to a dentist appointment to get her teeth checked because she might be getting braces, the second time I told Mr K that someone in her family was in the hospital so she had to rush there because it was urgent, then the third time I made an excuse saying she felt sick and wanted to go home so she could rest and lastly the other excuse I did was that she needed to pick a perfect wedding dress for her cousin because she was getting married.

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