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Why does everyone keep fighting?

No matter how hard you try to keep your friends together.
They always fall apart,
They always fight.
No one ever just apologises,
No one ever thinks about the consequences of their actions.

No one believes they're  in the wrong.
Always fighting,
Always separating,
Never noticing their glaring mistakes.

No, always noticing.
Never redeeming,
Never trying to come to a compromise,
Never trying to stay together,
Always refusing to admit they're in the wrong.
Never acting to save it.

Many acknowledged their mistakes,
Few try learning from them,
Many just lie in pools of self-hate and guilt,
But never apologise,
Because the person doesn't deserve an apology for what they did.

Twisted morals,
Twisted actions,
Twisted consequences,
Twisted relationships.
Some say things they don't mean,
Some say things they do mean,
Some don't say anything at all.
All get treated unfairly,
All the friendships you surround yourself with,
All will fall,
All will leave you in one way or another.

Your friends get into fights with one another.
No matter how hard you try,
You can't get them back together again.
They have made emotional scars on each other.
One may suffer more,
One may become depressed,
One may contemplate death.
And no matter how hard you try,
No one will apologise.
No one will fight.
For the chance that they might still have a chance to save it.

Once they fight,
You're divided.
Memories with both,
One you may have known for longer,
But know so well.
One you may have known for shorter amount of time,
But know even better.
Maybe you're extremely close to both.

Maybe you don't want to let them go.
Any of them go.
You want to stay together forever,
Stay a group,
The frend group.

You love them both,
You want them to stay.
But it can't happen.
Not until they make up.
But will that ever happen,
You don't know,
The uncertainty,
The knowledge of whether you'll keep your group together,
Or have it fall apart.

You know one maybe in the wrong,
But you know they'll have their reasons.
But that doesn't stop the damage,
to other people,
Does it?

I feel like everything's repeated,
Just with a different cast.
I don't want it to repeat,
I don't want to lose someone else,
I don't want to feel like I'm apart of the leftover pieces.
The ones who could survive.
The ones you could stay together,

But now I'm scared.
That I'll be the only one left,
The only one doing everything I can to stay together,
The only one still fighting in an empty war.

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