Evil Angel (Scud)

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I groan when I hear B walk in with someone. Sounds like a girl, but one with a very southern accent.

"You'll be working with Scud, but ignore his offensive comments that are directed towards you. He can be an ass." Blade says and I scoff before returning to my little gadget on my workstation. I look up when someone clears their throat at me.


After Blade left, I walked over to that Scud guy and noticed him concentrating on the doohickey he was working on.

"Excuse me, it's Scud right?" I ask. He looks up and nods slowly.

"'S right. Wha' Ya want?" he.asks. I look down.at the gadget.

"'S that?" I ask him. He smirks.

"'S a self destruct thing. So I don't become leech chow." he says. I look down when he says 'leech chow'. My DNA counterparts are half human and half vampire. I'm 18, never met either of my parents, raised by my mother's sister all my life. My mother is a human, and my dad a crazy ass vampire king. I'm a dhampir, but never show it.


I notice that my comment about my lifesaving device has offended the girl, and sigh.

"I.didn't mean to offend ya. Sorry." I say and she.smiles up at me.

"'S fine. Most don't know I'm a dhampir." she says. I look at her, eyes wide.

"Ya not a full blooded vamp?" I ask, shocked. She nods.

"My mother was a human and.my dad is this crazy ass evil vamp. I am.pretty sure he's the one y'all is goin after." she says. I chuckle.

"Where are you from?" I ask. She smirks.

"Ya wouldn't believe me if told ya  New York, so West Virginia. That's where my mother was born and raised." she says. I smile.

"Ya don't sound like any New Yorker." I say.


Raiding Scud's fridge, I finally see it. A blood baggy. I grab it and rip a small part off the left corner and jam a straw into it.  I gulp it down as I walk over to him. He groans.

"'S fuckin' disgusting." he.says.

"Dude, I get that your human and all, but I gotta eat." I say. He nods. I finish the blood and toss it in the trash. I grab a Dr.pepper off the counter and open.it, washing away the sickening taste of blood away.

"Well, that's unusual. Most dhampir's love the after taste of.blood." Scud says.

"I have had boyfriends before, and I learned that the taste of blood doesn't turn humans on the way it would vampires." I say. He smiles.


My mind was telling me to kiss her, when my body wouldn't move. Finally I mumble fuck it and get up and walk over to her and kiss her.


When Scud pulled away, I blush profusely. None of the guys I had been with previously had ever made.the first move, and we never went past that first.kiss.

"Never caught ya name?" Scud asks.

"Well, it's kinda ironic, but my name's Angel." I say and he laughs.

"Guessing your favorite song is evil angel by Breaking Benjamin?" he says and I nod.

"Yep. That's what I am apparently. An evil angel." I say.

"Well, your my evil angel now princess." he says. I groan.at the nickname.

"Okay, one never call me princess. My father.may be a king, but I ain't no princess. Two, if we do have.sex tonight, be gentle. I'm still a virgin. Three, always kiss me." I say. He nods, kissing me again.

Song is evil angel by Breaking Benjamin.  Pt. 2 will be.up soon!!

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