Have you ever been beaten?
Not hit,
Not kicked,
Not even lost,
I mean have you ever been beaten,
To be so broken that you know you can't come back?
Like you should just do what you know you can?
When some people are beaten they think of suicide,
Some of self-harm,
Some of nothing,
This was once me.
When I was beat I would think and act on these things.
Not anymore.
I have changed.
I no longer feel anger, sadness, or happieness.
People don't look the same anymore.
They just look like shapes.
No value.
Only some have some worth.
I could kill all of them.
They are the ones who don't matter. Not me.
Not You.
Yes you.
You the reader.
You matter.If you have depression, tell someone.
A friend.
A counselor.
Someone who already has depression.
You can get through it together.Just beacuse they couldn't help me doesn't mean they can't help you.
Have hope, dear reader.