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                                                                            Onika Maraj  ♡

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                                                                            Onika Maraj  ♡

Another show completed,

As Moment 4 life slowly stop, a loud round of applause started. Seeing the sight of my barbz and kenz crying and screaming my name. Placing my right hand on my hip I smiled to them. This was the best part of ever night. Seeing I completed my job, making my babies happy. 

"I love you New York. I promise I be back." I said into my pick dazzle mic. 

Hearing my babies saying We love you Nicki made me wanna cry.

 "I love ya'll more." I spoke waving goodbye before I exited off the stage. 

Handing my mic to one of the assistant as the other one took the wires off of me. When they was done I quickly walked upon my boyfriend. 

"Hey baby." I was greeted by Wayne. 

I bit my bottom lip grabbing his hand intertwining our fingers together. "Hi baby."

"You did great tonight Nicki. I'm proud of you." He brought my hand up to his face kissing it before pulling me into a hug.

"Thank you bae." I hugged him back. 

"Ight, hurry up and go changed so we can get back to the hotel." Wayne pecked my lips before slapping on my ass softly. 

I nodded at him before speed walking to my dressing room. Locking the door behind me, I rushed taking off my outfit. Standing in the mirror I looked at my stomach. Walking closer to body mirror I placed my hand on my stomach. 

"Wow." I whispered to myself.

In six months I would be pushing a human being out of me. I never thought this would happen now in my life. I wanted to wait two years or so. Guess that's out the box. 

Putting on Wayne's grey sweats on and a tight white tee, I slide on my slides grabbing my purse. Making sure everything in it  before I left. 


"When you gonna tell ya fans baby?" Wayne laid his head on my nap.

Starting to play with his long dreads I didn't answer him.


I sighed. "We can tell them after I have the little one. I'm not mentally prepared right now baby. It's gonna be a long six months." 

"I understand ya." Wayne answered me. 

"But a least tour over in two weeks. I can work at our home studio. When I start showing off of course." I added. 

"C'om we got months to figure this out. Let's just have fun before you to far into your pregnancy bae." Wayne sat up pulling me on him while he laid back down. 

Flipping my hair to the right side of me I smiled at him. "Okay."

Wayne smiled back showing his all diamonds teeth at me. Wrapping his muscular arms around my small waist. 

"I love you baby."  

I leaned down to his face giving him a small kiss. "I love you more." 

"Ight, come lay down. Need to get some rest got a big tomorrow." Wayne pulled me next to him.

Wrapping his arms around me pulling me closer to his chocolate body. I laid my head on his chest closing my eyes drifting into deep sleep. 

                                                                                      Next Morning ...

Flash, Flash, Flash

Holding Wayne's hand we was making our way into Vma's  building. I had practice with Alicia Keys for Girl On Fire. Making our way in towards my dressing room I was stopped by Taylor.

"Hey Nicki." Taylor gave me a hug.

"Hi hunnie." I smiled hugging her back.

"Is it true Nic?" Taylor asked smiling ear to ear. 

"Is what true?" I was confused.

"You pregnant girl." She laughed playfully hitting my arm.


Wayne gave me a look."Where you hear that from?"  He asked.

"Just Tmz last night, but nice seeing ya'll." Taylor walked pasted us.

I looked back at her with a shocking facial expression. "What."

"C'om." Wayne pushed me into my dressing room.

"Ya'll early today." My stylist Melissa grabbed her clip board rushing over to me.

"I wanna be prepared." I chuckled.

"Aye i'm to chill over hea' bae." Wayne walked out to the couch before laying down on it. 

"Mhm let's make sure your outfits fit perfect." Melissa walked over to the closet. 


"It seem like you gained weight in the hip area Minaj." 

"That's impossible." I gulped. 

"We only gotta make it a couple centimeters bigger not that much. Gettin thick huh." Melissa giggled before adjusting my dress. 

"Yea, guess I need to hit the gym up." I sighed. 

"You look good hunni don't worry. You will do great babes." Melissa said.

I nodded at her.

All these thoughts running through my head. I was already stressed and now I got more shit added.  

"Baby you good?" Wayne walked next to me. 

"Yess." I faked smiled. 

Wayne looked at me for awhile. He knows when i'm lying and when i'm not. 

"We can talk later." Pecking my lips , he walked out the room.

When he left my crew started coming all in. I invited my bitch Candi and Alexus to come. After adjusting my outfits , I started getting dress for the red carpet event. 

"I'm love this yellow Nika." Alexus ran her fingers through my hair. 

"Thank you hun, I'm legit just ready to go home." I sighed.

"It's gonna be okay." She gave me that looked.

The only people who know I'm pregnant are Wayne mom and my parents, Alexus and Candi. I want to keep it like that till i'm at least fix months. I'm so thankful i'm not showing yet. 

Im just not ready to come out...

NEW BOOK ! (: Hope yall enjoy ! excuse any mistakes ! 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2018 ⏰

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