Death hurts😢😭

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( Ash's POV)

It was like any other day when it happened. The incident that tore me in two.     It was a no other thing that could do it. But that was 3 weeks ago. If you want to hear the story, I'll tell you. So where do I start.

( 3 weeks ago)

It was a normal day in Kalos. Me and my friends (XY gang) we're going to Kanto. Bonnie and Serena wanted to see all my  Pokemon from all my other journeys. We went straight to the Professers lab. 

Professor Oak: Ash, how are you?

Ash: Pretty good professor.

Professor oak: I'm sure your Pokemon will be thrilled to see you. Who are your friends?

Clement, Bonnie, and Serena: I'm Clement. I'm Bonnie, and I'm Serena.

Bonnie: Let's go!!


Ash:  Hey guys!!!

Gets trampled by all Pokemon.

Ash: I missed  you too!!

( he can understand pokespeech)

Pokemon : Hey Ash!!!!!


Team Rocket: Bombs away!!!



Ash: Everyone okay?

All Pokemon bleeding except Pikachu 

Ash: Call Nurse Joy!!!!😢😢😢

That night

Nurse Joy: I-I- I'm sorry Ash.

Ash and Pikachu: No. No! NOOO!😭😭😭😭😭

Hawlucha: A-ash?

Ash: Yeah buddy?😢😢😢😭😭😭

Hawlucha: I will come back to you, I promise.*dies*

Ash: Hawlucha?  Hawlucha?!😭😭😢😢

XY gang: We are so sorry  Ash.

Ash: Don't be. It wasn't your fault. I will get my revenge.😭😭


 I finished my first  chapter......finally!! Really sorry if it sucks though. Again I am only so please don't murder me. Anyway....see you next time!!!!!😁😁😁

Death of many ( A Pokemon fanfiction) UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now