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This story contains strong language and sexual content (obviously), therefore, you will need to follow me in order to view it

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This story contains strong language and sexual content (obviously), therefore, you will need to follow me in order to view it.

Not all chapters will be private or contain steamy encounters, I find that too much sex sometimes ruins the book, just as my own preference.

There will be some dominant and possessive features in the book, but hopefully not too much that you had the male character, just enough the you fall in love with him. P.S I think possessiveness and dominance is hot lol :)

If your having trouble accessing my mature chapters, be sure to follow, remove the book from your library, refresh then add the book back.

Thanks for clicking on my story and giving it a chance. A lot of authors have inspired me to write something dirty for my own horny mind and for others :P

Enjoys this cute gif bc I love dogs

Enjoys this cute gif bc I love dogs

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