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It glistened in the moonlight over the dancing bodies. The smell of it, along with alcohol, lingered in the air, as bodies danced to the music, hips swaying and couples grinding on each other. A girl and a boy were making out over by the food table while another girl, her friend I assume, was filming the entire thing and making noises of encouragement. And me? Well I was standing in the corner watching everybody else have a good time.

It's not that I don't enjoy parties, no, they don't bother me at all. I like letting go and having some fun with my friends. I just wasn't enjoying this one. Probably because I didn't know anyone here, besides my two friends who dragged me along. I can see Rosie now, her tongue shoved down a hot guy's throat. That's my best friend. I laughed to myself and took a sip from the red cup in my hands. I think it was cranberry vodka.

My other friend, Caylee, was dancing with a stranger I've never seen before, but she seemed to be having fun, so who was I to judge? By the way she was swaying, it was easy to tell that Caylee might've had a bit too much to drink. Rosie was supposed to be our sober ride home tonight, but she looked a little preoccupied with the hot guy to remember, hence why I'm standing alone in a corner, watching everyone else have fun.

I lifted the red cup to my lips again, tilting my head back as I downed the last of my drink. Deciding I needed another one, I started heading over to the drinks table to get a refill. This will be my second and last drink of the night since I'd rather not have to deal with a hang-over tomorrow. 

Pushing my body through the crowd, something by my leg accidently snags onto my already-too-short skirt, stopping me short. My skirt seems to be caught on a spring sticking out of an old couch that two strangers seemed to be having a heavy lip-lock on. I start tugging at the cheap material, only lightly before becoming frustrated. With one large tug, the skirt rips and unexpectedly releases, and I go flying backwards into a body behind me. I feel the wet liquid drip down my backside before the smell of beer makes its way to my nose.

The music continues to play, but a few people nearby start to mutter things and snicker at my now, wet back. I slowly turn around, revealing the unfortunate stranger I accidently bumped into. I'm met with one of the most handsome boys I've ever seen. He wasn't a boy, no way, the person standing in front of me was a man. His black hair was a little matted, like he'd been running his fingers through it and his tight, firm body strained against his black shirt. It's like the sky was trapped in his eyes, and as I look into those eyes, they seem to be very angry with me.

"What the hell?" he growled at me.

The people around, continued on ignoring us as they went back to what they were doing before. My jaw was wide open because I couldn't get over the beautiful specimen standing in front of me. I probably look grotesque in contrast due to the fact that my cheap, black skirt was ripped, and my back was now dripping with beer.

Softer Sins (18+)Where stories live. Discover now