Chapter 8

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Percy continues up the mountain now leading much more than one person. Annabeth and Alicia flank him on either side, Alicia with her hand fit snugly in his. The argument that came just moments ago still leaves a warm feeling in the pit of Percy's stomach.

Tony and Nico, along with profuse agreement from the others, ridiculed him greatly for just leaving them behind and trying to do things on his own. He tried to make them understand, but it was rather when not just one of them was sparking and others were spilling very muderous auras.

They snake their way up the mountain slowly. Hiking isn't easy in a suit so Tony just flies up a little and waits for them before flying up a little bit more. Nico, after the considerate reminder that he can, shadowtravels in much the same manor. The rest just walk, preferring to enjoy the veiws as they go. Sometimes Jason flies Piper around or Steve and Tony get into a shouting match across half the mountain. Still most of the hike is rather quiet with a soft buzzing of conversation and a steady crackle of a fire. Yes, it seems Leo's theory on how to beat the heat, it to just become hotter.

Percy knows he's going in the right direction because the leaden feeling in the pit of his stomach gets heavier as they get closer. He recalls Gaea's words as she sunk back into the ground at the conclusion of the Battle of Greece. 'You may have won this one little hero, but your own personal war is far from over and I have heard whispers that it will not be in your favor.'

This very thing is likely what she meant. However, he does not understand what whipsers she was talking about. What kind of voices does a crazy earth goddess have inside her head?

"Do you even know where we're going?" Leo grumbles. "I mean, can't we hurry this up, I want to get back to see Calypso already. She said that she has a surprise for me."

"Oh isn't your life just terrible," Piper teases. "You have to be away from your girlfriend for an entire two days."

Leo glares up at her. "Hey, it's not fair all of you guys get to be with your girlfriends and boyfriends." Hazel sends him an absolutely deadly look and the temperature seems to drop. Leo looks down, his flames sputtering out. "I didn't - I'm sorry Hazel."

The daughter of Pluto sighs. "It's okay Leo, I just miss him."

"We all do," Annabeth adds, looking back at everyone.

The Avengers don't speak during this exchange, understanding flooding them as the feeling of loss fills the air. Percy doesn't turn around, nor does he say anything. His first clenches at his side and his other hand tightly grips Alicia's. She sqeazes back. 

Finally the son of Poseidon decides to speak. "I do know where we're going, to answer your question."

"Oh?" Natasha says.

"Yeah," Percy says turning, his tired features turning up into a cocky grin. "We just go exactly where our survival instincts tell us not to go."

"Oh," Leo says. Then he smiles. "Well where there's trouble I get to burn stuff."

There are many chuckles passes around, causing Tony and Nico, who are farther up the mountain, to send them questioning glances. They all continue on with much more life and many more jokes.

That is, at least until Percy points to a cave and informs them that they are here. How does he know? Simple the cave smells of dead fish and stale water. And if you don't believe in stale water, you my friend have never been around a stinky, still-water pound.

Surprising the group is absolutely silent going into the cave. Unsurprisingly they are yet again heading into a situation that is likely to get them killed. Percy sighs. He's so used to it by now, he isn't sure that he can survive peace. I mean, what would he do? He'd be so fidgety and high-strung.

The darkness of the cave is suffocating. Even Nico seems uncomfortable with it. The air is putrid and it seems to have the largest affect on the green-eyed demigod, sapping his strength and making his stomach turn. 

"No offense Perce," Clint says, holding his nose. "But I never did like the fish smell."

Percy looks back, but he can't see anything in the darkness. "Yeah me either, but you can't actually smell them underwater.... You know if you can actually breath that is."

Suddenly the ground starts shaking, as if the mountain itself is walking. The truth isn't that much different. Polybotes is the size of a mountain after all.

"We should hurry," Jason says urgently. Everyone quietly agrees and they pick up the pace.

When they finally reach the door and Alicia and Percy push it open, the candlelight nearly blinds them. However nothing can stop Percy from rushing forward to reassure the trembling forms that he is here to help. 

He nearly cries with joy as his mom recognizes his face and then Paul. They both wrap him in as tight of a hug as they can manage, which to everyone's dismay is a very weak one. The are practically skeletons, they are so thin with pale, pasty white skin and deep, hollow eyes. Percy grips them as tightly as he can without breaking them. Gods, they feel as if they'll just shatter.

"Thor," He croaks through piles of emotion. "Do you think you could, I don't know, blast us a hole out of here."

"Can do, nephew of Stark." The Asgardian, proudly replies.

As he raises his hammer, everyone backs away from the far wall. Percy pulls his mom and step dad close to shield them from what he knows will be traumatizing light. He remembers first emerging from Tartarus and that had only been for a week or so, not an entire year.

There's a loud boom that shakes the island and suddenly, the wall and half the ceiling are gone. The sudden noise seems to have knocked Sally and Paul, which may be better for them. They should take it slow, not just jump headfirst back into the bright, cheery outside world.

Though at this moment, it's not so cheery. Percy swears his dread cannot get any heavier. There standing in the surf, in the path of their escape, is Polybotes himself.

And his venomous eyes are locked right on Percy.

- O - O - O - O - O -


Finally updated. I feel so very accomplished. 

I hate to say it guys, but this sequel is short. I plan to wrap it up in either the next chapter or the one after that and I'm telling you, you are not going to see this ending coming. 

Anyway please vote, comment, and follow. Also don't forget I do have other stories.

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