Twenty Nine

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I hurried into my room, the whole time Harry's words echoed through my mind. 'I thought you had feelings for me'. 'Goodbye'. 'I will never understand you.l'. 'Goodbye.'

It was the goodbye that haunted me. His voice had sounded so dejected and hurt. A player would be hurt by one girl turning him down, would he? "What does it matter? You have Blake and he is a delicious piece of male specimen, and most importantly not a player." I warned myself. Such sad thoughts about Harry were dangerous when I had a boyfriend.

Why would I care about Harry being with another girl if I had feelings for Blake?

"Fuck!" I yelled, throwing a punch into my mattress. I couldn't understand myself anymore. Maybe Angel had the right idea with keeping away from boys until we graduated.

I went to my closet and pulled out a turquoise blue dress that could pass as a casual dress. Fishing out my sandals I slipped them on and zipped them closed around my ankles. Walking to my vanity I brushed my hair and applied a bit of mascara and eyeliner. I grimaced a little and fished out my cover up.

"Why do you need that stuff? There's no reason to hide yourself." Angeline would chastise me if she was in the room.

I looked over myself in the mirror, seriously debating leaving it off before shaking my head and dabbing a little bit on my face. When I had finished I looked over my reflection and nodded with approval. Why was a trying so hard to go out to lunch with Blake? Did I really not want him to see me at anything less than my best? Was that what I wanted to feel like around my boyfriend?

"Shut up," I muttered to myself.

A knock sounded on the door and I rushed to open it. Blake stood before me, looking utterly perfect in white washed jeans and a polo. He looked as if he had taken a quick shower as well. The smell of an earthy cologne surrounded me, carrying a faint sent of pine in the breeze. I smiled as I inhaled.

"You smell good," I said before I could think.

He laughed and held his hand out for mine, "I'm glad you think so, love."

I placed my hand in his and stepped from my room into the corridor. "I didn't mean to say that," I stammered as I felt my cheeks inflame from embarrassment.

"Cute," he smiled.

"Let's go before I make an even bigger fool of myself," I forced a smile to form on my lips.

Forced? Already I could feel myself overcompensating to show him that I wasn't some absolutely socially awkward girl that somehow landed the perfect in every way guy. I sighed inwardly, already seeing a long afternoon ahead of us.

We walked in companionable, yet slightly awkward, silence across campus. When we arrived at the restaurant I was relieved to see that it was somewhere casual and not overly nice.

Blake turned to me, looking nervous, "Is this okay for you?" he asked.

I smiled up at him, "It's perfect." Reaching up I hugged him then led him into the small cafe. It was small and casual with a cool breeze circulation through the air caused by the air conditioners. I took a moment when we stepped in to inhale the scents of coffee and many different pastries that had been made fresh this morning. "This place smells amazing. Though it's making me hungrier." I laughed as my stomach growled to back me up.

Blake laughed along with me and led me over to an empty table at the back of the dining room. Immediately a young girl came over with a notepad handy, "What may I get you lovelies to drink?" she asked in a very heavy English accent.

I looked over the menu and ordered a coffee while Blake ordered orange juice. "I hope you didn't brush your teeth after the exam," I chuckled.

He looked at me, confused, "What do you mean?"

How Dare You Call Me Romeo (Harry Styles AU)Where stories live. Discover now