asdf What am I doing?

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Emerald optics danced mindfully around, carefully inspecting each inch of the decorative paved path. It was too fancy, if you asked me. With its delicate flowerpots and garden beds placed here and there, shiny black fences surrounding the courtyard which had a perfectly polished wishing fountain, and the golden Summersville Junior High School sign that stood respectfully at the entrance. Then again, what did I know? I was just a kid, a rather odd kid with bright cyan blue fringe and shoulder length platinum blonde hair. I didn't understand what the majority call "fashion sense", I don't get the sparkles, the polished glamour, or the pixie dust falling from newborn rainbows. Then again, I'm not exactly your average teenager, being what someone calls normal never suited my fancy.

Standing at only five feet and two inches, almost everyone was taller then me. And in the expansive shadow of this school, I wasn't so sure I wanted to go into those reflective glass double doors embedded in the front of the delicately crafted brick building. It was an irrational fear, being the new kid. A new grade, a new town, and an awfully clean new school. It was almost too clean for my preference, bland and sure to be stuffed full of rules to follow (Or break, which is more likely for me) - and it was exactly like the rest of the town of Summersville. It wasn't a very big place, and apparently, everyone knew each other. So, when my father received the job on the Summersville police force, it was only natural to be greeted by the community. Its unfortunate most of the people in Summersville were duller then the actual town; or the adults anyway.

A gentle push from the slow trickle of passing students startled me back to my current position, gawking like a blind parrot in front of a jaguar in the middle of the pathway. There was no option, I had to go inside or face a rather unpleasant first day in what promised to be a very long year. Dark tan walls lined with light blue lockers, posters, and bulletin boards immediately invade my eyes. Everything, down to the white tiles, is completely plain and sterilized. It reminded me of a hospital - I could see the reflection of my gently defined cheek bones, average sized nose, harshly colored eyes, and slender chin of my pessimistic face. How did they keep it like this, did the children live in sterilized golden bubbles with as equally embellished outfits? My black knee high demonia buckle down platform boots squealed nosily as they scraped against the blinding floors. I loved platform shoes, they boosted me up to five foot five at least, which I desperately needed for a major confidence bonus - even if the majority still towered over me. Platform shoes, however, didn't exactly help me be any more masculine. I already had the flexibility of a cat, my mother says, and looked more like one of those TV models then a manly man. I had rather feminine features with a lithe body, sporting for a slim waist that supported a person that only weighed ninety one pounds. My hair, being shoulder length and styled, didn't help either. Sometimes, the only thing that people could actually tell I was male by was my voice, but even that had a touch of stereotypical female silk. I suppose I had to rely on my clothes, which mainly consisted of brightly colored tops, skinny jeans, and black.

Stumbling slightly on the sleek surface, I swallowed the knot in my throat and attempting to collect myself. Anxiety was quickly lapping at my brain, the scenarios and horrible outcomes spilling from the back of my mind to the front in an instant. The last thing I needed was a panic attack right now. Frowning tracing upon my frail cherry pink lips, I adjusted the pitch black messenger back resting firmly on my well defined collar bone.

Pulling a crumbled piece of yellowing paper from my pocket, I quickly checked my schedule. Foreign language, room 208. Foreign language, as in Spanish or something? Great. Just damn peachy. Perfect for an early morning nap, that's for sure. Rolling my eyes in obvious annoyance, mopping forward slowly as I decided that it was better to get there before the bell rang and signaled my first major mistake. Who knew what this town held for me, after all. They might be some controlling country hicks that are worse then America's government. Wouldn't want to make that mad, now would we?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2012 ⏰

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