"Whats taking you so long!" Jennie groan knocking on their room door
"Im preparing! I need to look good!" She shouted groaning
"I told you that you look good already! Its just your graduation dont stress out too much" Jennie shouted back
Lisa opens the door glaring at jennie "Its just my graduation? Let me tell you missy that you take too long dressing up yesterday and were just going to the—"
"Okay enough! Lets go!" Jennie cut her off grabbing her hand and pulling her to the car as she open the passenger door "Go inside" she said as she goes inside the driver seat
"Hey babe, Do you remember something!" Jennie grins looking at her, Lisa look at her confused.
"I have everything in my bag, Your birthday is last January and mine is march do i miss something?" She asked clearly dont know what she missed
Jennie's smile slowly turns into frown as she cleared her throat and look at the road sighing "I thought you wouldnt forget... Its our third anniversary" She sighs lisa look at her gulping as it hits her
"Omygosh!" She beamed "Im so fucking sorry baby, Im so nervous and i forgot about it! Ah im sorry" she said holding on jennie's arms with pleading eyes
"Its fine" the rest of the car ride was silent.
"Were here" Jennie said coldly as she went out of the car sighing loudly
"Babe, im really sorry" Lisa said holding her hand
"Go in your seat, I'll be waiting at the bench. Congrats" She said coldly as she went to the bleachers where the parents or friends of the student should sit.
The ceremony starts and now its time for lisa to go up the stage, she smiles as she look at jennie's chair making her confused because the latter isnt in there, 'maybe she's in cr' she said as she went up the stage smiling widely
"Lalisa Manoban" The principal announced, Lisa quickly walk towards him as she get her diploma smiling widely "Wait, Someone needs to tell you something"
She look at the principal confused as she nods staying in the center, two strong arms then was wrapped around her waist she gasped looking back seeing jennie.
"I know that this day is one of your most important day so lets make the fun twice" She said as she turn lisa around facing her "We've been together for three years, Its our anniversary, Your graduation and now this day should be the day i'll propose to you too. So please Lalisa Manoban"
Lisa was in tears as jennie kneel down and open the small box she's holding, inside it was a small sticky note and a small pen hanging
"Would you gladly change your name to Kim?" Was written
Lisa smiled and pull her up as she kissed her and smiled
"Yes." She wrote back.
And thats how their life turns into different sides from just a simple note, that lisa left on jennie's locker door.
The end.
Yehey another trash is finished.
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