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"Okay please sit down" my dad said walking Into the room.

"Yeah what's up mum" I said

"Okay one don't call me mum and two were not your family" my i don't even know what to call her said

"WHAT" I yelled

"Okay we stole you" she said

"HOW COULD YOU I CANT BELIVE I TOLD YOU I LOVED YOU GOD WERE AND WHO IS MY REALL FAMILY." I yelled I should have know because I'm tall there short and tan and brown eyes.

"you have a brother and well Melbourne" she said

"I have a brother" I said happy

"When do I get too meet them" I asked

"Tommrow"she said

"I can't wait" I said running upstairs to pack my cloths.


"James please come down here" my dad yelled

"Yeah what's up" I asked

"We found Paige" he said

"REALLY I FINALLY GET TO MEET MY SISTER" i yelled pulling out my phone to text the boys.

"Yes you will" he said

"When she comming" I asked

"Tomorrow so clean her room it's next to yours you can have the boys help you" he said

" OMG I can't wait" I said running up stairs telling the boys to come over

~~~4 min later~~~~

"Hey James what's up" jai said walking in my room with the boys

"Well WE FOUND PAIGE" I yelled

"God calm down and congrats when she comming" beau said

"TOMORROW WE NEED TO CLEAN HER ROOM SO HELP ME" I yelled walking out the room.

We cleaned up her room ad the boys crashed at my place. I laid in my bed thinking what is Paige like and if any of the boys dare her I'll kill them I mean she is my long lost sister so.

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