9:coming back

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People waited for JB, Defsoul, as he is walking out of the airport with five men in each side. 

They all scream his name wanting to take pictures with him and of him but the 20 bodyguards make it impossible for them to do so. 

Twenty bodyguards for just one person seemed to be too much but JB's manager stated that is was better to well prepared than to have limited protection and having Jb get hurt when people start to charge at him with bright lights and phones.

Once he is safely out of the airport, his crew along with  the bodyguards get into different black cars with tinted windows.

JB sits in the back of the car, looking out the window. Seeing and hearing people say his name and wanting to take pictures with him filled him with pride because that means that he accomplished making songs that appeal to people. 

As they drive away from the crowd, the pride and accomplishment that Jb feels disappears as they approach a beautiful park surrounded by cherry blossoms. Jb's heart aches and tears began to form. He closes his eyes in the attempt to not have the tears spill and draw attention to himself. That park, that beautiful park, was once a dear place to him. It was the place that saw how Jb's and Youngjae's love blossom. That park was home to their beginning, and now it is also home to  Youngjae's new beginning with Stefan. 

Once the park is out of sight, Jb opens his eyes and quickly wipes the tears away before one of his bodyguards could see them. 

I need to forge him Jb thinks as he looks out the window 


Once he reached his hotel room, Jb collapses into the soft black bed and cries. He cries because he misses the person he left behind two years ago. He cries because he knows that he is now with someone else and that there is nothing that he can do because he left him. He was the one that left not the other way around, therefore he has no right to be sad and wish to go back to the past and change things. 

After three hours of crying, Jb stumbles into the small kitchen and takes out three bottles of liquor and drinks them as if there were bottles of water. 

By the time that JB finished being sad, the clock strikes five am. Exhausted, Jb takes a shower and falls at sleep. 


I watch him as he trains with the other bodyguards. He has gained more muscles and has let his beard grow, which does not look that bad on him. 

I miss him but this is for the best, he needs time to heal and I need to figure out what I really want. 

Before I wanted to be with him and call him my husband, but he has changed and so have I. 

When we were planning our wedding, we would fight a lot because he did not seemed that into it.  And then Jb breaks up with Youngjae and jackson blames himself and leaves me at the altar. 

He leaves me at the altar because he thinks that because he kissed  Youngjae when he was in college, that he is responsible for their breakup. That because he ruined their happiness, that he should not be happy.  Which to me does not make any sense because the kiss thing happened so long ago. But nor do I understand why Jb broke up with Youngjae, they seemed to happy together.  

Jinyoung wants me to apologize to Jackson but I just can't. How can I apologize for something that did not actually happened. Jackson finding me with someone else was planned, I needed space and a small part of me wanted him to feel some kind of pain for leaving me at the altar. 

I would have understood if he would have told me before that he was having second thought, but no... he just walked away from me. I was in so much pain then, I thought that he did not loved me back, that the love that he said to feel for me was gone. He did apologize later but the damage was done. 

When he found me with someone else, well it was all faked. I aks one of my friends to help me out with it, and he agreed after he talked it out with his fiance. All I wanted to do was hurt him back but I also hurt myself in the process. The expression that he had when he saw us is something that I'll never forget.  After he left, I cried like a little baby and cried more when my friend left. 

Before we took my plan into action my friend did warned me that I will be hurting too but I did not listed, all I wanted to do was feel a fraction of the pain that I felt when he left me at the altar and cheated on me, when we were only together for six months. 

I don't know why I stayed with him when he cheated on me, maybe because I  wanted him to be the one.  And a small part of me still wants him to be it. But the other part of me wants to move on and be happy. I don't know what to do other than stare at him like a creep until is time for me to go to the airport. 


Thank you for reading :)

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