Stealing things

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"What do you need the keys to your school's van for?"

Bruno looked at Chris and cleared his throat before turning to Diane,

"Joy ride to Toronto. Want to come?"

Diane's thumbs kept controlling the drone she was flying in the Fish's office. She did manage to turn her head towards Bruno and eye him.

"Has this been something you've been planning because Cathy has seemed upset since the night she snuck over."

"Yeah," Bruno laughed nervously, "we have been planning to go get Italian in the city for dinner but she wanted Mexican."

Diane watched him a moment longer and faced the building again, "Cathy loves Italian."

"Maybe it was the other way around. So, are you in?"

"Yeah but I'll convince her to come too."

"I mean, she doesn't have to."

"But you're bringing the boys with you, you said."

"Just dress nice and be at the van at six!"

Bruno and Diane looked over at Chris in shock; his British accent is always surprising but so was his outburst. The cry of pain from Fish's office was also surprising to the trio.

"Wait, is he in there?"

Diane's question was answered when Fish stuck his head out of the window. He was clutching the broken drone as he glared down at Bruno.

"," He pushed Chris and the three of them started sprinting down the quad.



"Hey," The boy was slumped in his chair in the Fish's office; smiling meekly at his glaring headmaster.

"Care to explain why an unidentified flying object, which looks like something Mr. Wizzle would make in his lab, hit me in my office?"

"I actually have a very good reason for this, Sir."

"Oh I bet," he says with a gust of sarcasm while he held an ice pack to his head.

"I'm trying to give Boots the perfect date."

Mr. Sturgeon's face softened momentarily as he listened. Bruno noticed his facial expression change and sat up,

"Not for us!"


"No, I just have this innocent idea to make Boots happy. We just needed something from your office..."

Mr. Sturgeon hushed Bruno,
"You're free to go."

Bruno stood up excitedly and leaned across the desk to shake Fish's hand,

"Thank you for this, I won't cause too much trouble."

"I mean, try not to cause any."

"Right," he laughed and ran out of the office.

Bruno found Elmer, Wilbur and Chris huddled around the school's van. Chris was holding the cake they made last night in the kitchen; wrapped in plastic. It didn't look amazing but it was a nice effort. Elmer stood outside the van instructing Wilbur as he sat in the driver's seat. He seemed to be explaining to Wilbur how to hot wire the van since some of Diane's tools were laying on the pavement around them.

When Bruno slammed the door to their room shut and collapsed to the ground looking like he just out ran death before. Boots' assumed it had something to do with Fish. Apparently he knows his friend too well because their room phone rang right as Bruno sat down. It was Fish summoning Bruno to his lair.
Boots was the one who told the trio about Bruno getting called to the office. He just wanted to vent his concern to his friends and unknowingly helped with the operation. His unbeknownst friends quickly came up with an idea to get the van if Bruno would be sidetracked for too long. Luckily, he got out without a punishment and a souvenir.

"Hey guys," Bruno smirked and paused to lean against the van, "do you think these might help?"

He dangled the school's keys in front of the boys then tossed them to Elmer. Who proceeded to drop them onto the cement from failing to catch. Bruno laughed obnoxiously and backed up,

"I'll go get Boots'."

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