Callie and Tessa

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Callie walks into the guest room where Tessa stay for the time being.

Callie: C'mon. We're going out. Emily wants us over at her house for a girl's night.

Tessa: "You mean she wants you over and your dragging me along so Maggie doesn't get suspicious.

Callie: No, I mean that she wants YOU to come too.

Tessa: Does Maggie know? (She crosses her arms) Last time we left without letting her know-

Callie: Shhhh. I get it. You don't trust me as much anymore. Just come out with me this last time. Please!

Tessa: Fiiiiine. If anything gets sketchy, I'm leaving. With or without you.

Callie: OK, OK. Jesus Tessa. Anyways, put on some darker clothing. 

Tessa: Wai-

Callie: Ah Ah! Too late! You agreed. Hurry now (Callie smirks and walks out of the room.)

Tessa dressed in her dark hoodie and put on some black jeans. Still regretting agreeing to go with Callie, Tessa walks out to the SUV that belonged to Maggie, Callie's mother. Callie was sitting behind the wheel looking at her phone. She didn't even notice Tessa get into the vehicle. 

Tessa: (She clears her throat to get Callie's attention.) Are we going?

Callie: Huh? Oh! Right, let's go.

14 minutes of talking about the past and trying to find good music to listen to in the car, they arrived at a run down looking cabin. Tessa was already getting ready to just leave. This was sketchy already.

Callie: Look, I know what you're thinking, but I invited Emily here to help us investigate what happened to Ari. Maybe that can lead to what happened to Lori. 

Tessa: (She rolls her eyes and shakes her head.) You have three minutes to explain why I shouldn't just take the SUV and go back to your house.

Callie: Tess we could be on to something here. Emily was really close to Ari. W-We can figure this out.  I can't sleep knowing that we might have gotten the wrong man behind bars. That monster is still be out there Tessa. 

Tessa couldn't say anything. She was just staring and Callie for a few seconds. 

Tessa: (She sighs.) Let's go. Emily is waiting for us.

Callie: Thanks so much Tess. 

They get out of the vehicle and stretch a bit and Emily walks up to Callie.

Emily: So Tessa decided to tag along?

Callie: Yeah. I brought her since... well you know...

Emily: (Looks over at Tessa) So, are you okay with breaking a few laws?

Tessa: Callie, what the crap? What are we doing? I told you I wasn't doing anything sketchy?

Callie: It's not that bad. Emily is just kidding, right?

Emily: Sure, if you think breaking and entering and trespassing isn't so bad.

Tessa: CALLIE?!?

Callie: It's abandoned. Calm yourself. It's going to be quick. Promise.

Tessa: I don't care how fast it's going to be. This is wrong!

Emily already had jumped the gate. Callie was starting to follow behind until Tessa grabbed her wrist.

Tessa: Callie, I don't think this is smart. What if we get cau-

Callie:(She pulls her arm out of Tessa's grip) You're either coming or going. Leave me, I'll get a ride with Emily.

Callie climbs the gate and catches up with Emily. Tessa stands back and watches, dumbfounded.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2018 ⏰

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