Chapter 14

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"I'm going to be a daddy," Harry kept repeating. To be completely honest, it get's a little annoying after three hours.

"Harry, will you shut up already. We need to figure out what we're going to do," I yelled at him. He looked up at me, surprised at my sudden outburst, but he nodded in agreement.

"Well, you should already know who the godmother is going to be," Zoey hinted.

"Yes, Zoey. You should already know that it'll be you," I told her with a laugh.

Harry looked confused though. "What about Gemma? She'll be crushed."

"I just thought that you would pick the godfather, and I would pick the godmother. Zoey and Louis." He let the thought register in his mind, and he gave me a slow nod.

"I guess you're right. Can we go to bed now though. I'm tired, and Zoey's constant threats have made me more then a lot tired," he said. He gave a large yawn and got up to go into the bedroom.

"I guess we could go to bed. 'Night, Zoey." I followed Harry down the hallway. The bedroom was dark, and I couldn't see Harry anywhere. I walked over to the bed, only to be tackled onto it in the process. Harry began to peel the clothes off of my body, and I tried hopelessly to contain my giggles.

"You got me thinking today. Two months is a long time." He kissed me hungrily on the lips and proceded to leave a hot trail of kisses down my neck and onto my shoulders.

"Harry, Zoey's here!" I warned him. 

"I guess you'll just have to be quiet then." 

Waking up in the morning was no easy task. I was completely naked and Harry wasn't in bed next to me. I got up and put on some old sweats before I walked into the kitchen. Zoey was sitting at the island counter drinking a steaming mug of coffee, smirking at me. 

"Have fun last night?" she asked. 

My cheeks grew red and hot, and I lowered my voice to respond to her question. "I thought I was quiet!" 

"Haha! That's funny, Rachel. You've got me curious what Harry's like undercovers now." She gave me a wink, and I was forced to turn around when my face grew even brighter. "So, are we doing some wedding planning today?" 

I turned around to face my friend. "Um, I didn't plan on it, but we can. I want a May wedding though."

"Isn't that close to the kids due date?" Zoey asked. 

"I don't care. My mom had her wedding planned for May, but my dad left her. I'm getting married in May." Harry walked into the kitchen looking happier than ever, and he placed a quick kiss on my cheek. 

"May, huh? That's seven months away. Sounds like enough time," Harry said, agreeing with the date. "How about May fourth?"

"I was actually thinking that, too, to be honest. It was my mom's birthday," I remembered. 

"Okay, so I'm going to go and do some wedding research at home. You two have fun," she taunted, giving me a sly wink. "Talk to you later."

"Bye, Zoey!" I called after her. 

"Bye, Blondie!" Harry said. 

"Shut up, British boy," Zoey called as she slammed the door shut.

"Wait, how is she getting home?" Harry asked. I looked at him, and we were apparently thinking the same thing. We raced to the window to see Zoey getting into a car with a man. When they pulled out I was astonished. 

"I can't believe it. She actually pulled Dave. Way to go Zoey," I said, feeling proud of her. 

"I want to go back to bed," Harry informed me. 

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