Things to Know About Harry Potter

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(Backstory: Draco has an illness that (he's been told by many healers) may be incurable by magic and only possible to treat through muggle surgery. He's decided for many reasons not to tell Harry, his husband, but when he enters what was estimated to be the last week before surgery and possibly of his life, he writes in his journal in hopes someone will find it in worst case scenario)

*Draco's journal*

To whomever it may concern, by the time you find this I may no longer be here. As of march 16th, a year ago, I have been living with a muggle illness. I leave you this list in hopes that you may be able to look after what I left behind.

Things to know about Harry Potter

1. He's lost a lot of people, so he doesn't let people in easily. It may take a while but be patient, he's been hurt and trying to force connections will not end well.

2.Because of that he is also afraid of falling for anyone, so remind him that you aren't going anywhere anytime soon and he's safe.

3. He may not seem like it, but he's an introvert at heart. He loves talking with people but he can't for to long or he'll start to feel very drained. Now, he's too bloody Griffindor to stop talking to people and go home so it's your job to know the signs when he's had enough

3. When he's been in public to long he gets paranoid, a product of the war. He starts looking around and sweating. When his face goes blank it means he's most likely thinking of what to do in some awful scenario so it's probably time to bring him home.

4. DON'T bring him anywhere with snowy owls! He gets extreamly depressed. When he was in Hogwarts, he had one named Hedwig who he was very attached to. He lost hedwig, along with many others, in the war.

5. He will never tell you when he's stressed or scared, but if he lashes out at you for seemingly insignificant things it's one of the two. When he does this hug him and tell him it's going to be okay, and that it's okay to be scared, and that you are there to help.

6. He will never ask for help. He is as prideful as Griffindors come, but he tends to bite off more than he can chew and jumps into things recklessly. It will be your job to remind him he doesn't have to do it alone.

7. He has nightmares. He doesn't always like to talk about them but always ask. Keep a glass of water beside the bed and when they are particularly bad make him tea and chocolate. He will never ask but he's big on physical contact so hug him and whisper soothingly in his ear

8. No matter how heated arguments get, never yell. Loud noises give him flashbacks. He struggles with ptsd from the war and though it may sound silly, speaking softly is the best way to approach arguments.

9. He's not big on words, and tends to show his love rather than tell. He gets frustrated when hes trying to say something but can't find the right words so never make fun of him for it. When he makes breakfast or stops by your work, know he's trying to show how much you mean to him, so thank him, let him know you understand.

10. Harry James Potter is the most reckless, uncultured git you will ever meet. But he is the most amazing human on the planet who anyone should be willing to give their life for and if you can't see that kindly pass the list on and thank him for your time.

(P.S. Please tell him im sorry. That I chose not to tell him because I didn't want him to carry that weight, to have to say goodbye, to know it's coming. Tell him I love him more than anything and im terribly, terribly sorry for having left him so soon. Tell him it's not his fault because he and his bloody hero complex always seem to think it is. Tell him he will be okay.)

*a week later, Draco malfoy sits on a hospital bed, tears streaming down his face, 5 minutes before the muggle surgery that decides his fate, his journal (handed to him by the muggle doctor) in his hand, gazing down upon a sloppy handwriting that he knows too well*

   Things to know about draco malfoy

1. He (secretly) craves praise. Not that he would ever say it or that he goes out of his way to get attention but he secretly adores when you complement him on the little things he does, like his outfits or his hand writing or the food he makes.

2. He likes to feel needed. He doesn't like to be constantly bothered but needing him for little things like help with laundry or taiming unruly hair makes him feel important, and he is.

3. He is a master at hiding his emotions behind his sneers. He has been taught since he was young that showing emotions is weak, so if you don't pay close attention he will bottle it up until he explodes. Always ask how his day was and let him vent. NEVER, EVER say he talkes to much or he's too emotional.

4. Check his arms. Specifically his left forearm he has a tendancy to physically harm himself (sometimes unconsciously) where the mark is. He also refuses to wear short sleves outside even in the summer so make sure he doesn't overheat

5. He has a fast metabolism. This may not seem like a big deal but his body has a very hard time producing fat. This means, especially when he's stressed, he needs to eat a lot or he could get very sick, but often it is seen as improper and he will refuse to put too much on his plate. In this situation, put extra on your plate and pretend you're to full to finish.

6. He hates big Cabinets. Always put your clothes in drawers or in a closet. Do not go anywhere where cabinets could be or purchase anything caninet like.

7.  He may call you a sentimental git, but he secretly loves the little notes you slip in is pocket or send im at work, he keeps then in a box under his bed disguised as potions ingredients.

8. He keeps a journal that he writes everything in. Don't read it too often, only if you're extreamly worried something might be wrong with him and never tell him you know about it.

9. He will always try to do what is best for you, even if it means bearing the burden by himself. Sometimes he does horrendously stupid selfless things like not tell you something important to try to spare you pain (even though you might have known all along and have been slipping his medication into his tea when he forgets to take it)

10. He is the most caring, idiotic git you will ever meet, and he is going to live through his surgery, and when he does im going to say I told you so.

*draco couldn't belive it, just this morning he had been 100% sure harry had no idea as he said i love you a few more times than usual and set off for surgery. He was so overwhelmed he didn't notice the doctor entering the room, and he felt the black wave of anesthesia wash over him. Sending what could be his last mental 'I love you' to harry, he succumbed to the blissful darkness*

5 hours later draco opened his eyes to see harry standing by his bed, tears in his eyes "I told you so."


*I know this is awful but I was on tumblr at 2 am again and I just really wanted to make this a fic*

(Ok post-post note I found my old Wattpad from seventh grade and realized there was a draft so I'm posting it because why not, I hope you enjoy this angsty middle school garbage I wrote like over a year ago)

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