Chapter 4: Into the Mansion We Go!!

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Carlos rushes into the mansion, pulling open the big, wide mansion doors, Nicolai follows close behind them as he closes the doors behind them, Carlos looks around, shining his light around the darkness,"we need to find the breaker box".

"After you" Nicholai follows Carlos, looking around the big building, the tall ceiling above them, and the large staircases on both sides,"Umbrella owns this, right?"

"Yeah, they're suppose to be two house keepers" Carlos turns, looking around and rushes to a door on the far end, pulling it open quickly, staring down the basement staircase, turning back to his partner,"let's go".

Nicholai puts a hand up,"shhh, did you hear that?"

Carlos stops in his tracks, shining his light behind Nicholai, looking around,"it doesn't sound like your typical-" then stops, hearing it again, sounding like something rushing past his partner, sounding like death in the flesh.

Nicholai shines his lights on the ceilings, shining it back and forth, then watches something big and dark pink rush past his light, and disappears into the shadows,"holy shit" he backs up.

"What did you see?" Carlos yells at his partner,

Nicholai then points his light at the left ceiling, staring at a creature with four legs, pink flesh all over, and a long tongue sticking out of it's mouth, as it stops in his tracks,"fucker has a big tongue" he aims, then pulls the trigger trying to shoot it, but it quickly moves out of the way.

"Licker" Caros whispers,"close that door, NOW" Carlos commands.

Nicholai quickly turns around, as he rushes onto the beginning of the staircase, closing the door behind him,"a what?"

"I read about them, one of Umbrella's experiments gone wrong. But that one must've been just a baby" Carlos leads them down the staircase, and his feet touches the bottom floor, the basement.

"A baby? It has parents?" His russian accent really kicking in.

"It mutates after it feeds one a living" Carlos shines his light around.

"You sure know alot about this place".

"Used to work here, in the labs when I was a kid" Carlos shines his light around the enviroment, pointing his lights ahead of them,"my parents were close friends with Oswell E. Spencer".

"Founder of Umbrella, correct?"

"Yes" Carlos goes up to the breaker box, and opens it up,"oh shit".

"What?" Nicholai asks.

Carlos tries all the switches, none of them seem to work,"it's fried" he turns back to Nicholai.

"What do we do now?"

"Find a way into The Hive".

A bottle breaks somewhere behind them, Nicholai quickly turns his head around,"what was that?" Raising his SMG over his shoulder.

"Stay close" Carlos closes the breaker box,"we're not alone down here".

Nicholai nods his head, as he searches the basement, walking towards one of the walls, step by step, walking slowly as he hears footsteps coming closer to them.

Carlos puts the gun over his shoulder, looking around as he nearers the staircase, hearing another noise behind him as he quickly turns around, and stares at the intruder in shock, his mouth wide open.

"Who are you?" A young short black haired woman stands there, with a pistol in her hand, in a S.T.A.R.S. uniform," and what are you doing here?"

"Wait" Carlos lowers his gun,"your one of the members of Bravo Team".

"Rebecca ?" Nicholai says the name, staring at her,"Rebecca Chambers?"

Rebecca turns her head, staring at Nicholai,"Nicholai? What are you doing here?"

"You two know each other?" Carlos asks.

"She broke my heart two years ago" Nicholai responds to his partner.

Rebecca rolls her eyes, looking back at Nicholai,"I know I broke more than that".

Carlos looks between the two,"Alpha Team is already here" he turns to Rebecca,"where is the rest of your team?"

"I'm the only one left" Rebecca tells him, a sad look in her eyes,"their all........their all dead" she bends down her head,"we ran everywhere, tried to reach HQ, but we lost our radio".

"Your the only one left?" Nicholai asks.

"It was the T-Virus" Rebecca mentions,"everyone down there, that worked in The Hive, is one of those walking corpses".

"T-Virus?" Nicholai asks.

"It slowly kills you" she paces back and forth, telling the boys,"once your dead, your whole body shuts down. Moments later, you have no memory, no nothing. The only thing" she turns to them,"the only thing you know, is the feed".

"Like a zombie" Carlos finishes.

"How does it spread?" Nicholai asks this.

"Through bites" Rebecca answers, a tear falls from her eyes, as she brings up her right arm, showing a bite on it,"I'm an example".

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