Chapter 12

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Robert stares at me with wide, hopeless eyes.
T.O.C.E. was a good organization right? Maybe we could just explain it to them?
"Look," I say, facing one of the guards. "We aren't actually suppose to be in here. We're the good guys!" I exclaim, trying to gain the guards attention.

"I don't give a rat's keester," one of the guards spits in my cell.

"You can't trust Samuel Akerman!" I yell, starting to feel hopeless myself.
Robert looked at me like I was a complete idiot.
When did he not though?

"Samuel Akerman protects the world from dangerous events. All he wants is for the Units to be safe."

"No he doesn't!" I yell back angrily. "He told me himself he was going to create a virus to create freaks like me. But it could also kill people who aren't strong enough to handle it, I've seen the body bags of innocent people with my own eyes."

The guard steps closer to the bars. "Shut up kid." Even though his voice wasn't loud, it was somehow filled with rage.

My next move was very idiotic. I snap my arm in between the bars  and grab a gun, pulling it back. The three other guards are instantly pressing guns in my direction. "Put the gun down, or we'll shoot," one of them says roughly.

" thank you?"

I didn't really know what my next move was going to be. I stand there-three against one. Completely unprepared for what was going to happen.

"Two against three isn't quite as bad," a familiar voice echoes down the hallway. Mia marches forward with two pistols-one in each of her hands. "If I have two guns though, would that make it even? I don't know."

I smile widely, happy about Mia's perfectly timed entrance. "Did you rehearse that?" I ask admiring her approach.

Her cheeks blush a bright pink."I was just at the end of the hallway kind of waiting for a good moment."

"Nicely done," I smile.

"Awe, thanks!"

One of the guards chimes in, reminding me of their presence. "Backup will be here any moment."

Mia turns towards me and winks discreetly. It was so discreet that I wasn't even sure if I had seen it. She closes her eyes and furrows her eyebrows.

"What are you doing?" A guard asks.

Mia practically kicks me.

"Oh uh," I say trying to make something up,"I'm the strong one and she's one...she can like do things to your brain."

I could tell that Robert so badly wanted to call me an idiot. It was taunting me just waiting for him to say it because I wanted to get it over with.

"Prove it." One of the guards says.

Mia starts waving the guns around in the air like a mad woman, keeping her eyes shut tight. "How is Annette doing Henry?" She asks pointing to one of the guards. "Is the medication working?"

The guard named Henry looks up agog. "How did you know about-"

She opens her eyes. "I'm currently digging through your brain, prying through your thoughts. And unless you all set down your guns I'm going to fry your brains."

The guards reluctantly set down their weapons. "You won't make it very far."

She walks over and gets one of the guards security passes. The guard lifts his arms reluctantly. Mia unlocks Robert's cage and tugs on my arm to pull me away. How did she know that?

"Idiots." Robert mumbles quietly to himself. A sigh of relief escaped my lips once he had said it.

"Mia, where do we go from here?" Robert asks, still not completely trusting her plan. To be honest-I don't think I trusted her plan either,"Yeah, where are we going?" I chime in, "And how did you know that thing about the guard?"

Mia smirks, giving her an out of character expression. "Have you no faith? Hacker, remember?"

She really did think of everything. Except for the fact that we're all in prison...but I guess I can blame that on Robert. "If you're such a great hacker than how are we still inside this dump?"

She replies, semi avoiding my question. "We're heading back to the cafeteria to meet the T.O.C.E. guard. I believe he's already aware of our difficulties."

That didn't sound convincing enough for me to believe that whatever her twisted plan was-was going to work. We walked down the hallway, surprisingly undetected. Mia's shoes were a little squeaky and so I feared she might give us away. I expected her to be a little more cautious...but maybe she wanted to be heard?

"Stop where you are," a deep voice says behind us.

Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap.


We all stop in sync, slowly turning around. Then another figure steps out from behind him, I can hear Mia slightly tense up. "Listen to him, and come with me."

Two against us? I don't think so Mr. To my surprise Mia and Robert kneel down, placing a gun on the ground. I follow their lead, uncertain of their plan. "What are you doing?" I ask through gritted teeth.

"Hands behind your head." Said the first guard.

As soon as all three of us are on the ground, I practically blink and the first guy is getting his head slammed into the other guy's knee. He looks up at us and I can't help but think that we're next.

"Sorry for barging in Mia, but I was losing patience," he says smiling. Mia stands up smiling, and lets out a little chuckle.
How did he know her name?

"Let's get you guys outta here."

And then I realized, this was the T.O.C.E. agent. And we were minutes away from freedom.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2018 ⏰

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