moment of truth

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Same day family showed me around.. They seem really nice people, actually I find them quite familiar.. I have seen them in a dream with me when I was 2 years old.. creepy.. My step moms name is Melania, and my step sisters are Liza and Abbey. They are really nice twin sisters.. Just adorable.. They are 14 same as I am and they have accepted me as theire own sister. My step dads name is Brandon and he's quite happy person who enjoys life and can cheer you up. Later on they showed me my new room and it also looked familiar... And then I saw a spirit.. I tried to not to look scared and noone noticed it. Then they lefr me alone with the spirit.. Spirit whos name was Amber started to talk. She asked am I Emily and do I remember something. I was suprised but I told about drems and asked are they memories or fantasy. Amber told that it's the truth and this is my house, these are my parents and my real sisters. I asked what happened and why was I left behind..

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