Chapter Two: First Meetings

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Hii again! So this chapter is all about first meetings with the boys written again by my friend @chelseazahn and I! Same format as last chapters! ...Enjoy! :)

Liam Imagine: Imagine your crossing the street in downtown London. You have your headphones on and don't notice the car coming right at you. All of a sudden your knocked to the ground by THE Liam Payne. He looks down at you and says " You have the prettiest eyes I have ever seen." He leans down and kisses you right on the mouth.

Niall Imagine: Imagine your at a 1D signing waiting in line to talk to Niall Horan and give him the long heartfelt letter you wrote about how much you love him. ONce you make it to him you say, "I know how busy you are, but could you please read my letters?" and you leave not looking back. Your getting into your car when you hear footsteps running after you and you turn to see Niall. He grabs your face and kisses you like you've never been kissed before.

Harry Imagine: Imagine your eating dinner at this fancy restaurant. While eating your food the waiter comes over and gives you a drink pointing to the gentleman who sent it over. You look and see a gorgeous guy with wild curls. He walks over and introduces himself with the biggest grin on his face. "Hello my names Harry Styles, I couldn't help but notice how beautiful you are. Would you care to join me for dinner?" With that he grabs your hand and you two have the time of your lives.

Zayn Imagine: Imagine your at a huge party with tons of people who you don't know. You turn around with your coke in hand and spill it all over this guy. You start to speak, "I"m so sorry. Let me hel-" you look up and see Zayn Maliks amazing eyes looking directly into yours. Before kissing you affectionatly on the lips he tells you how gorgeous your eyes are.

Louis Imagine: Imagine your at your first 1D concert. Your seat is in the front row and you are having the time of your life. During Louis' solo in 'More Than This' he starts singing "and then I see you on the street.." he makes eye contact with you and hesitates a little but finishes the song. Then Paul comes over to you and say, "Louis asked me to get you, he wants you to come back stage." When you meet him back stage his blue eyes look into yours and he says, "I know I just met you..But I think I'm in love with you.

Thanks for reading! Feedback is very much appreciated! :)

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