chapter 1

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Sehuns POV

Pretty girls everywhere

Well, that's how I'm trained to look at them. You see, I don't actually think any of these girls are as pretty as Luhan

As I step into the light, all I can see is flashing camera's and hearing screaming voices. "I love you Baek! I love you Kyung! I love you Sehun!"

Yes, this is a good day of artificial love

I'm really tired of it. I can't even smile. If Luhan isn't in town and neither is Tao, nor Jackson, then I'm not gonna make them think I'm happy without them. Well actually, they're not just outta town, they've lost the entire contrey. And I don't know how I will smile properly again.

I look into the crowd with long golden ribbon that seperates the red carpet from the crazy fans, I don't really blame them. If I saw Justin Bieber, I'd probably jump over the rope and run to give my hyung a hug, so it's not like I'm saying they're's just that....they're not helping me in any way. They bullied Tao for being chinese, they bullied Henry, I just don't who to trust now

A particular girl catches my eye and I turn to swipe her a look. She's got a long white veil on her head that hands over her long white died hair, she's wearing silver contacts, she's got lightly tanned skin and sparkles on her eyes, she's wearing a dress and around her neck is hanging a sign that reads..."Marry me KAI!"

I laugh then nudge Kai to the girl. He instantly reacts then walks over to greet her. Oops, hehe, that girls gonna get in trouble.

He holds his hand out and strokes her veil. "You're really cute.." he says, a little too loudly

The reaction is instant. Girls scream and Kai takes out the girls phone and snaps a selfie of them both.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around to see Baekhyun and my smile drops.

His face is drenched with worry.

"What is it Hyung??" I ask.

"Chen has been poisoned.." he whispers. "He's choking in the bathroom but he doesn't want to ruin it for the rest of us so he wants our manager to take him to the hospital privately..."

I look over at Kai and run to him first. Heart racing. I whisper the news to him and his reaction is instant but another observation makes me realize he's not the only one who's on edge.

The girl with the white veil just trembled

Kai apologizes to the fangirl and then we're off.

When we get to CHen, he's on the ground next to the sink in a bloody mess. Tears are streaming down his eyes and he looks emotional. Our manager Lee is beside him and he tells us that ambulance is coming and that the show must go on

That's right.

We need to go on stage and perform at this charity event.

But who will get Chen's lines?? He's the lead singer!

"NO!" Kai yells, "If one goes down, we all go down!"

"Please! Just give my lines to Xiumin!" chokes Chen, "He must more fans than me! People would be happy!"
This is heartbreaking. This is heartbreaking.

Truly heartbreaking...

I feel tears water me up and then I can't take it anymore.

I storm out of there and I sense a white veil as I leave the event, my body guards surrounding me
This is heartbreaking.

I turn and see her again. She has this look in her eye..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2018 ⏰

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